Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Racehorse, 1865

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Abrahart    William            8194   groom                S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    grey         long    sallow         middling stout  8194  Scar on chin, slightly freckled   
Adams       Thomas             8192   slater               M  three  5' 8 1/2"   light brown   grey         round   fresh          stout           8192  T right arm, lost two fingers left hand
Adshead     Charles            8197   tailor               S  none   5' 3"       brown         light blue   oval    sallow         middling stout  8197  Scar under chin, birth mark on right thigh
Alexander   James              8196   labourer             S  none   4' 11 1/2"  light brown   blue         sallow  fresh          middling stout  8196  Lost one tooth upper jaw
Allen       John               8198   tailor               S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown         dark hazel   full    fresh          middling stout  8198  Scar on chin, scar on forehead, scar under left eye
Allen       Thomas             8195   miner                S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown   hazel        round   fresh          stout           8195  Coal marks on back
Anderson    James              8193   blacksmith           S  none   5' 10"      brown         blue         full    fresh          stout           8193  Scar on forehead, D left breast
Anderson    John               8191   labourer             M  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        thin    fresh          slight          8191  Scar on left groin
Baker       John               8212   miner                S  none   5' 5"       dark brown    dark hazel   oval    sallow         stout           8212  Sailor with cutlass, flags, left arm, flags, anchor & crown, J S D 1863 right arm
Baker       William            8209   brickmaker           S  none   5' 3"       sandy         hazel        round   red            stout           8209  Scar on forehead
Barber      Charles            8214   barber               M  one    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    light blue   long    fresh          stout           8214  Scar on top of head and slightly pockpitted, bald
Barnes      William            8210   blacksmith           S  none   5' 4"       brown         blue         long    sallow         middling stout  8210  None
Barrett     Francis Henry      8200   tailor               S  none   5' 2"       brown         grey         oval    fresh          middling stout  8200  I H S left wrist
Bartlett    William Thomas     8217   plasterer            M  two    5' 4 3/4"   light brown   grey         oval    fair           slight          8217  None
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Bassett     John               8226   grinder              S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown         blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8226  Emma Bassett right arm and pockpitted
Bates       John               8207   brickmaker           S  none   5' 9 1/2"   light brown   light blue   long    sallow         middling stout  8207  Cast in left eye, nose broken and crooked
Bearder     Walter             8220   job smith            S  none   5' 2 1/4"   light brown   hazel        long    fresh          slight          8220  Scrofula on both sides of neck and arm
Beere       Charles            8216   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   light blue   round   sallow         stout           8216  Mole on chest and one on right breast
Beeton      James              8208   groom                S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         blue         long    fresh          stout           8208  Scar back of left hand and wrist
Belcher     Robert             8213   shopman              S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        round   fresh          stout           8213  Pockmarked about breast and body
Bickley     Absalon            8218   trimmer              S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown   grey         full    sallow         middling stout  8218  Lost sight of right eye
Birch       John               8201   blacksmith           S  none   5' 2 1/4"   brown         light blue   long    fresh          slight          8201  Heart left arm, anchor right arm
Blackburn   John               8224   ship steward         S  none   5' 3"       dark          hazel        round   fresh          middling stout  8224  Nose broken
Blewitt     Simeon             8205   bridle bit maker     S  none   5' 6 1/2"   sandy         light blue   full    fresh          middling stout  8205  Pockpitted and moles on back
Blondin     Henry              8221   labourer             M  two    5' 9 1/4"   light brown   grey         long    fresh          stout           8221  Freckled, C D left arm
Booth       James              8211   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   grey         thin    sallow         middling stout  8211  Two flags, star and sailor right arm, woman, crown, wreath, anchor, star, D, 1863 left arm, medal on breast   
Boylan      James              8223   butcher              M  one    5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   full    fair           middling stout  8223  Scar right hand, M R left wrist
Brannan     William            8202   labourer             S  none   5' 5"       brown         blue         round   sallow         stout           8202  Scar on left leg and freckled
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Brierley    Jonathon           8204   brickmaker           M  none   5' 2"       light brown   light blue   oval    fresh          stout           8204  Bracelet on left wrist
Brock       Walter             8225   sailor               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown   hazel        round   fair           stout           8225  Left thumb broken
Brown       Edward             8219   carpenter & sawyer   S  none   5' 6 1/2"   red           grey         oval    florid         middling stout  8219  D left side
Brown       Thomas             8199   brush marker         S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown         grey         long    sallow         middling stout  8199  Body pockmarked, scar on nose
Bugg        Thomas             8203   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         grey         long    fresh          middling stout  8203  Scar right leg and middle of back
Bullock     William            8215   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       red           light hazel  oval    red            middling stout  8215  Freckled
Bunney      Joseph             8206   silk manufacturer    M  one    5' 8"       dark brown    dark hazel   thin    fresh          middling stout  8206  Two moles left arm
Buttery     Thomas             8222   labourer             W  nine   5' 6"       brown         hazel        oval    sallow         stout           8222  Widower; None
Calvert     Christopher        8234   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       light brown   blue         long    sallow         slight          8234  Scar left eye
Carlos      George             8228   seaman               S  none   5' 6 1/2"   black         dark hazel   round   dark           stout           8228  Man of colour
Carnaby     William            8235   french polisher      M  none   5' 2 1/4"   brown         grey         long    fresh          middling stout  8235  Scar left arm, scar left side of neck
Carter      William            8236   labourer             M  one    5' 5"       brown         blue         oval    fresh          middling stout  8236  Scar second finger left hand, moles on back, mole left cheek
Cater       John               8245   labourer             M  five   5' 5"       brown         grey         long    sallow         middling stout  8245  Mole right side of nose, cut on right knee
Chappel     John               8238   carpenter            M  five   5' 5"       brown         light blue   round   sallow         stout           8238  Lost first joint of third finger, right hand
Chappel     Joseph             8230   labourer             M  two    5' 1 3/4"   brown         grey         round   sallow         stout           8230  None
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Coe         Frederick          8229   soldier              S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        long    fresh          middling stout  8229  F C R S, hull of ship left arm; anchor, flag, cross on pedestal right arm   
Cole        Archibald H.L.     8244   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       brown         grey         round   fresh          stout           8244  C left arm
Coles       Henry              8246   sailor               S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         light blue   full    fresh          stout           8246  Vaccine marks right arm
Conderot    Henry              8227   merchant             M  none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown   light blue   thin    fair           middling stout  8227  Scar left groin
Connor      James              8239   lustre maker         S  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown         dark hazel   full    fresh          stout           8239  Cut right wrist, lost two front upper teeth
Connor      John               8240   brushmaker           S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   blue         round   florid         stout           8240  Cross left arm, cross, H S right arm, D left side
Cook        Charles            8237   miner                S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   light hazel  round   fair           stout           8237  None
Cooper      William            8231   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   blue         full    fair           middling stout  8231  Scar left eyebrow and right knee
Coutts      Robert             8241   optician             M  none   5' 6 1/2"   sandy         light hazel  oval    florid         stout           8241  Scar thumb, right hand
Cowley      Henry              8232   labourer             W  five   5' 8 3/4"   grey          grey         oval    sallow         stout           8232  Widower; Scar back of neck
Cramp       John               8243   labourer             M  three  5' 6 1/4"   brown         grey         oval    fresh          middling stout  8243  Scar left temple and under left eye
Creamer     James B.           8233   labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown   hazel        long    fresh          middling stout  8233  Scar on first finger left hand, scar left breast
Cunningham  Robert             8242   groom                S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown         blue         round   sallow         stout           8242  R C left arm
Daglish     William            8249   moulder              S  none   5' 1 3/4"   light brown   hazel        long    sallow         middling stout  8249  Scar right chin, two moles on chest
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Darcy       William            8247   printer              S  none   5' 6"       black         light hazel  long    fresh          stout           8247  Pockpitted
Davis       George             8251   farrier              S  none   5' 8"       dark brown    blue         thin    fair           middling stout  8251  Scar on nose, scar left arm, lost front upper tooth
Davis       Herbert            8248   sawyer               S  none   5' 6 1/4"   auburn        light hazel  oval    florid         stout           8248  Anchor left wrist
Day         John               8250   brickmaker           M  one    5' 6 3/4"   brown         grey         long    dark           stout           8250  John Day left arm
Dodd        James Norton       8257   painter              S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        oval    dark           stout           8257  Nose crooked, second toe right foot crooked
Dodd        John               8255   butcher              S  none   5' 4 3/4"   red           blue         round   fresh          stout           8255  Scar upper lip
Dodd        William            8256   farm labourer        S  none   5' 7 1/2"   light brown   blue         round   fresh          stout           8256  Warts on left hand
Doherty     Bernard            8252   labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/4"   dark brown    blue         oval    dark           stout           8252  M O C right arm, B D left arm, D left breast
Donnolly    Phillip            8253   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       light brown   light hazel  long    sallow         stout           8253  P D and flags right arm, anchor and flags left arm, D left breast
Dott        John Watt          8254   engine fitter        S  none   5' 10"      light         blue         oval    fresh          middling stout  8254  Scar under arm
Elliott     William            8260   labourer             S  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown         grey         oval    sallow         middling stout  8260  None
Esquilant   Henry              8259   labourer             M  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         light blue   long    fair           stout           8259  Woman, heart, Henry Esqulant, anchor right arm, E, heart, J, cross on pedestal left arm
Etyeo       Joseph             8261   stone mason          S  none   5' 5 1/2"   red           hazel        oval    florid         stout           8261  Scar right hand, scar over left eye
Evans       David              8258   labourer             S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    blue         round   sallow         middling stout  8258  D E left wrist, scar right temple, large red scars on each leg
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Flood       John               8267   farrier              S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown    blue         full    fresh          stout           8267  First finger left hand off, A F and J F right arm
Ford        Thomas             8262   plasterer            S  none   5' 4"       brown         blue         round   fair           stout           8262  Scar right eye and mouth
Foster      James              8263   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         hazel        oval    sallow         stout           8263  Flags, D, 18, 1863 right arm, anchor, dart, heart, crown and bracelet left arm
France      Abraham            8264   labourer             S  none   5' 9 3/4"   brown         blue         long    fresh          middling stout  8264  Scar right side of nose, one upper front tooth out, left side
France      William            8266   miner                M  four   5' 5"       light brown   light hazel  round   sallow         stout           8266  Pockpitted
Francis     John               8265   cook                 M  two    5' 2 3/4"   grey          brown        thin    black          thin            8265  Man of colour
Franks      John               8268   farm labourer        S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    grey         long    dark           middling stout  8268  Small scar right cheek
Gibson      George             8276   blacksmith           W  two    5' 6"       grey          light blue   long    fresh          middling stout  8276  Widower; Lost one upper front tooth and end of fourth toe right foot
Gilbert     Charles            8275   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8275  Slightly pockpitted
Gill        Edwin Truscott     8279   carver               S  none   5' 8"       brown         grey         long    fair           middling stout  8279  Scar on forehead
Girdler     George             8278   labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown         blue         oval    dark           middling stout  8278  Scar left side of chin
Gleeson     John               8273   stone mason          S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light         grey         oval    dark           stout           8273  Scar right arm, freckled
Glynn       John               8282   groom                M  one    5' 7 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8282  None
Golden      Patrick            8274   groom                S  none   5' 9 3/4"   auburn        light grey   round   fresh          stout           8274  Scar left leg, much freckled
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Goodland    William            8269   carpenter            S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown    light hazel  long    fair           middling stout  8269  Anchor & J right arm, sailor and mermaid left arm
Gow         William            8271   tin smith            S  none   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        thin    sallow         slight          8271  Nose been broken, injury to little finger, left hand
Graham      Alexander          8281   miner                M  none   5' 10 1/2"  black         dark hazel   long    fresh          stout           8281  D left side, mark very faint
Gray        George             8277   labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown   blue         long    fair           stout           8277  Mole right side of neck, left forefinger crooked
Green       James              8283   collier              M  one    5' 4 1/2"   light brown   grey         round   fair           middling stout  8283  Anchor and bracelet left arm, left eye turns inwards
Green       John               8270   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    blue         long    sallow         middling stout  8270  Cut on left groin
Green       John               8284   labourer             S  none   5' 5"       dark brown    grey         round   sallow         stout           8284  Scars on face and slightly pockpitted
Green       Robert             8272   cook                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         blue         long    fair           middling stout  8272  Scar left cheek, scars on forehead
Greenwood   George             8285   carpenter            M  two    5' 5"       black         light hazel  full    dark           stout           8285  Large scars right side of head the shape of a horses shoe
Grimshaw    Henry              8280   labourer             S  none   5' 10 3/4"  brown         light hazel  round   pale           stout           8280  Burn left ear
Hamilton    John               8294   barman               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        long    dark           dark            8294  None
Hanbury     Thomas             8298   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    grey         full    fresh          stout           8298  Scar right shoulder, scar left thigh
Hancock     Thomas             8288   labourer             S  none   5' 4"       black         hazel        round   sallow         stout           8288  Enlarged nostrils
Hannan      James              8306   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       brown         grey         round   fresh          stout           8306  Burn on belly, pockpitted, M H and J H left arm
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Hanson      David              8305   groom                S  none   5' 3 1/4"   light brown   blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8305  D left side, anchor, D H left arm
Harrison    John               8300   joiner               M  two    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long    sallow         stout           8300  Scar left breast
Harvey      Thomas             8289   barrow maker         M  one    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown    blue         long    fresh          middling stout  8289  None
Haver       George             8293   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown    light blue   oval    sallow         middling stout  8293  Scar left temple, heart, crown, star and thistle right arm, rose and shamrock left arm, D B C left side
Hawkins     Daniel             8297   labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        thin    fresh          middling stout  8297  Scar right arm
Heal        George             8292   joiner & carpenter   M  none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   blue         thin    fair           slight          8292  Scar on forehead, slightly bald
Hewitt      Arthur             8286   labourer             M  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   hazel        round   sallow         stout           8286  None
Hibbert     William            8296   grinder              S  none   5' 6"       light brown   blue         long    fair           stout           8296  Scar lower lip
Hickson     George             8303   seaman               S  none   5' 1 1/4"   dark brown    light hazel  round   dark           stout           8303  Third finger right hand crooked
Hole        John               8295   boot & shoemaker     S  none   5' 5"       light brown   grey         thin    fair           middling stout  8295  M L L M, anchor, pedestal and cross right arm, A Hammond and monkey, left arm
Hosking     Edwin              8290   seaman               S  none   5' 8"       light brown   blue         long    fresh          stout           8290  Scar on forehead, scars on left leg
Howes       Joseph             8299   porter               W  four   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown    grey         thin    sallow         middling stout  8299  Widower; Lost two front teeth, cup marks back of neck, scar left arm
Hubbard     James              8291   clerk                S  none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown   grey         oval    florid         middling stout  8291  Scar back of left thigh
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Hudson      Peter              8302   tailor               S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         hazel        long    sallow         middling stout  8302  Pockpitted, mole on belly
Hudson      Robert             8304   labourer             S  none   5' 0 1/2"   brown         blue         long    sallow         stout           8304  Burn right arm, scar right leg
Hudson      William Samuel     8307   labourer             S  none   5' 0"       brown         grey         thin    dark           middling stout  8307  Second and third fingers left hand injured
Hunt        George             8308   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         grey         thin    fresh          slight          8308  Scar on right arm and large scar on belly
Hunter      Robert             8287   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       light brown   grey         full    sallow         middling stout  8287  Ring second finger left arm, mole left side of neck, scar over right eyebrow
Hyson       William            8301   miner                M  four   5' 4 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    fresh          stout           8301  Coal marks on back, scar on back of right hand
Izzard      William            8309   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         blue         thin    pale           middling stout  8309  Lost first finger right hand
Jackson     John               8310   bootmaker            M  four   5' 1 1/4"   brown         blue         round   fresh          stout           8310  H right arm, slightly bald
Jackson     Joseph             8327   groom                S  none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    fresh          stout           8327  A S E M encircled by a wreath right arm, 2 upper side teeth out
Jackson     Thomas             8318   shoemaker            S  none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        long    pale           middling stout  8318  Cross left arm
James       John               8319   groom                M  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         blue         round   pale           middling stout  8319  None
Jarman      Henry              8315   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         dark hazel   oval    fair           stout           8315  Dimpled chin
Jenkins     Michael            8316   tailor               S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    light blue   long    sallow         stout           8316  Nose broken
Jenkins     William            8326   farrier              S  none   5' 4"       dark brown    dark hazel   round   dark           middling stout  8326  Scar under right wrist
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Jenkinson   Edward             8311   bricklayer           M  two    5' 6 3/4"   light brown   light blue   thin    sallow         middling stout  8311  Large scar on chin
Jestice     Charles            8314   carpenter            M  three  5' 5 1/4"   light         light hazel  full    fresh          stout           8314  Mole left cheek, anchor left arm
Johnson     Henry              8323   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       brown         blue         round   sallow         stout           8323  Dimple on the chin
Johnson     John               8321   labourer             W  four   5' 8 1/2"   black         dark hazel   thin    dark           middling stout  8321  Widower; Wound mark left fore finger
Jones       Edward             8313   brickmaker           S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    grey         round   fresh          stout           8313  Third finger left hand crooked, cupping marks on both loins
Jones       George             8320   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    sallow         stout           8320  Man running with pipe in mouth, stick in hand left arm, anchor right arm, lost thumb right hand
Jones       James              8317   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   grey         oval    sallow         stout           8317  Small scars right cheek
Jones       Thomas             8322   plasterer            S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    light hazel  long    fresh          slight          8322  Little finger right hand contracted
Jones       Thomas             8324    ....   ....   ....  .  ....   ...   ...   ....    ....  ....   ....  ....    ....    ....   ...  ....  ...  8324  Died on voyage to Australia
Jones       William            8312   groom                S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           stout           8312  Two anchors, heart and dagger, hope, star left arm, ring 2nd finger left hand, anchor, D, 1863, anchor encircled by a wreath of flowers with two flags, moon, W J, cross and H X H, 3 stars, 3 rings on fingers
Joyce       Robert             8325   engineer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         light blue   oval    sallow         middling stout  8325  Scar left arm
Kelly       James              8330   tailor               S  none   5' 8 1/2"   brown         grey         long    fair           stout           8330  Scar left cheek, scar on temple
Kelly       James              8337   general servant      S  none   6' 0"       light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8337  Cross flags, heart and crucifix right arm, ship right hand, woman, crucifix, E Watsworth, wreath and I H S left arm, two joints of first finger gone, ring third finger left hand
Kelly       John               8332   turner               S  none   5' 8"       brown         grey         oval    florid         stout           8332  Broken nose
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Kennedy     James              8331   groom                M  one    5' 3 1/4"   brown         light blue   long    fresh          stout           8331  Several anchors left arm, crucifix right arm
Kerslake    William            8334   mason                S  none   5' 7"       brown         hazel        oval    fair           middling stout  8334  Dark mark from cut on nose
King        David              8335   labourer             S  none   5' 4"       light brown   hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8335  Cross flags, anchor, crown and horse shoe, head and arrow, cross, N K D 18, 1863 right arm, hope, 5 dots and rings on each finger right hand, N K, anchor and bracelet left arm, two flowers and rings on three fingers left hand  
King        Francis            8328   tinman               S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   blue         thin    sallow         middling stout  8328  Mole right cheek
King        James              8333   labourer             W  three  5' 6"       light brown   blue         long    fair           middling stout  8333  Widower; Scar left arm
Knowles     John               8329   seaman               S  none   5' 2 1/4"   black         grey         oval    sallow         stout           8329  Ship and anchor left arm, scar on temple
Knox        Thomas             8336   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       brown         light hazel  long    dark           middling stout  8336  Cut right wrist
Lamb        Walter             8342   printer              S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8342  Small cut between the eyes, lost upper front tooth
Laurie      Alexander          8346   weaver               S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown    blue         long    fair           middling stout  8346  None
Lee         John               8339   labourer             M  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    dark hazel   oval    dark           stout           8339  Small cut corner of left eye
Liversage   George             8341    ....   ....   ....  .  ....   ...   ...   ....    ....  ....   ....  ....    ....    ....   ...  ....  ...  8341  Died prior to embarkation or on voyage
Lloyd       John               8344   seaman               S  none   5' 9"       black         dark hazel   oval    dark           middling stout  8344  J L, J. Lloyd right arm, first finger right hand smashed
Loand       John               8343   labourer             S  none   5' 8"       dark brown    blue         oval    dark           stout           8343  Sailor with flag right arm, Jack tar, left arm
Lowe        William            8338   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       dark brown    hazel        oval    fresh          slight          8338  W A F (indistinct) right arm
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Luby        James              8340   labourer             S  none   5' 7 3/4"   auburn        blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8340  Freckled
Lyon        David              8345   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown    grey         round   ruddy          stout           8345  Scar right side
Mackey      Francis            8367   labourer             M  two    5' 2 1/4"   brown         dark hazel   oval    dark           middling stout  8367  Scar right arm and one right knee
Mahaig      Joseph             8357   labourer             S  none   5' 7 3/4"   black         dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8357  Cut on right temple, J E W W on right arm
Marchelino  ....   ....   .... 8356   sailor               S  none   5' 2 3/4"   black         dark hazel   oval    black          stout           8356  Meriane Lavyina right arm, crucifix on left arm, cut on forehead
Martin      John               8374   cotton spinner       S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown   blue         long    fresh          middling stout  8374  None
McCarthy    John               8362   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       dark brown    grey         oval    dark           middling stout  8362  Three anchors right arm, E and anchor left arm, cut right eye, cut on forehead, letter D left side
McCarthy    Peter              8365   rough carpenter      S  none   5' 7"       brown         grey         oval    fair           middling stout  8365  Cross pipes, jug and glass right arm
McCoy       Henry              8353   boiler builder       S  none   5' 8"       light brown   blue         long    dark           middling stout  8353  D left side, H M right hand
McDermott   James A.           8358   sawyer & seaman      S  none   5' 8"       auburn        blue         long    fair           middling stout  8358  Shield right instep, anchort on calf, garter right leg, snake left foot, star calf, garter, American coat of arms, brig in full sail, sailor with ensign right arm, bracelet right wrist and anchor, star and rings three fingers right hand, female with flag and anchor, Chris. Hughes, wreath and James Davenney, woman naked left arm, bracelet on wrist, anchor and heart on second finger and anchor on third finger, woman on breast   
McDonald    James              8350   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       dark brown    dark hazel   oval    dark           middling stout  8350  G right arm, heart left arm, cut nose
McLachlan   John               8360   seaman               S  none   5' 3 3/4"   turning grey  grey         long    fair           middling stout  8360  Bracelet each wrist, burn mark on left groin
McPherson   Henry J.           8349   bookbinder           S  none   5' 8"       dark brown    dark hazel   long    fresh          slight          8349  Wreath, diamonds, rose and thistle left arm
Menage      James Henry        8354   general servant      S  none   5' 2"       dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8354  None
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Mercer      George Henry       8371   baker                M  two    5' 8"       dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8371  None
Mileham     John               8370   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       grey          blue         long    dark           slight          8370  Small scar over left eye
Miller      Thomas             8352   glass maker          S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown   dark hazel   long    fair           middling stout  8352  M C T M S M on left arm
Milligan    Peter              8351   labourer             M  none   5' 3"       dark brown    light hazel  long    dark           middling stout  8351  Anchor and P M right arm
Mills       James              8366   clerk                M  none   5' 8"       brown         light blue   round   fair           stout           8366  Left eye defective, scar right eye
Minter      Charles            8369   baker                M  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         hazel        oval    dark           middling stout  8369  Wart on breast
Mitchell    Thomas             8359   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       dark brown    grey         oval    dark           middling stout  8359  D left side
Moore       James              8355   labourer             S  none   5' 2"       light auburn  grey         oval    fair           stout           8355  Scar on forehead, one on upper lip, one on right knee, stabs in left ribs
Moore       Richard            8373   labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   white         blue         round   fair           stout           8373  D A L right arm
Moran       Patrick            8361   labourer             S  none   5' 2"       light auburn  blue         long    fair           middling stout  8361  None
Morris      Thomas             8347   sailor               M  one    5' 6"       dark brown    grey         long    dark           middling stout  8347  Anchor left arm
Morton      John               8348   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown    blue         long    fair           middling stout  8348  Anchor and flower right arm, crucifix and anchor left arm, scar left side of neck
Mulholland  Samuel             8372   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         blue         long    dark           middling stout  8372  Scar on forehead and over left eye
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Murphy      Charles            8363   labourer             S  none   5' 8"       brown         grey         oval    fair           middling stout  8363  None
Murphy      Daniel             8364   labourer             S  none   5' 4"       brown         grey         oval    dark           middling stout  8364  Small cross left arm
Murphy      Francis            8368   bricklayer           S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    dark           middling stout  8368  None
Nickson     Robert             8375   labourer             S  none   5' 11"      light brown   blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8375  Mole right side, A P and two birds right arm
Onion       Edward             8377   moulder              S  none   5' 6"       brown         light hazel  long    dark           middling stout  8377  None
O'Hara      Henry              8378   labourer             M  none   5' 9"       brown         grey         long    dark           middling stout  8378  None
O'Hara      James              8379   stone mason          M  one    5' 9"       brown         light hazel  oval    sallow         stout           8379  None
O'Lachlan   Roderick           8376   printer              S  none   5' 5"       brown         dark hazel   round   dark           stout           8376  Anchor and burn mark left arm
Parker      George             8381   boatman              S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown         blue         round   dark           stout           8381  Small ink mark right hand
Parker      William            8388   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/2"   grey          hazel        oval    dark           middling stout  8388  None
Passmore    William            8383   blacksmith           S  none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown   light hazel  round   dark           stout           8383  Scar on left shoulder blade
Peel        Robert             8385   labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   light brown   hazel        oval    fresh          middling stout  8385  Small scar over left eye
Perkins     James              8386   labourer             W  one    5' 3 1/2"   black         grey         oval    dark           stout           8386  Widower; Scar on upper lip
Phillips    Henry James        8387   labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         hazel        long    dark           middling stout  8387  None
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Pickard     John               8384   sawyer               M  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         grey         oval    dark           stout           8384  None
Povey       James              8380   tinman & gasfitter   M  three  5' 4 1/2"   brown         hazel        long    fair           slight          8380  Bald head, boil mark left arm
Price       Edward             8382   shoemaker            S  none   5' 2 1/4"   light brown   hazel        oval    fresh          middling stout  8382  Ink mark on right hand and wrist
Quaife      Henry              8389   stockeeper           S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   hazel        oval    fresh          middling stout  8389  One front tooth out lower jaw
Reid        Thomas             8397   tinsmith             S  none   5' 7"       red           dark hazel   oval    fair           middling stout  8397  None
Richardson  William            8396   smith                M  three  5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    grey         oval    dark           stout           8396  Small scar on upper lip, contracted finger right hand
Riley       Thomas             8393   gardener             S  none   5' 7"       dark brown    dark hazel   oval    fair           stout           8393  Right elbow joint broken and stiff, freckled
Rogers      John               8401   miner                M  none   5' 6 1/4"   light         blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8401  Pockpitted, second finger left hand injured
Rowe        Hugh               8399   labourer             S  none   5' 8"       brown         blue         oval    dark           stout           8399  M R & A R right arm, small anchor right hand, H R M R, W H left arm, J R left hand
Ruddy       Owen               8392   seaman               S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   round   dark           middling stout  8392  None
Runham      James              8391   engine fitter        S  none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8391  None
Russell     Alexander          8398   screw bolt maker     W  none   5' 4"       dark brown    grey         oval    dark           slight          8398  Widower; None
Russell     George             8390   labourer             S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown         grey         oval    dark           middling stout  8390  Burn mark right side of chin, small scar left eye
Russell     Joseph             8395   butcher              S  none   5' 3"       light auburn  blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8395  Woman right arm
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Ryan        John               8394   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown   hazel        oval    fresh          middling stout  8394  Pimples on each arm
Ryder       Anthony            8400   labourer             S  none   5' 10"      brown         hazel        oval    dark           slight          8400  Top of little finger right hand gone
Sampher     William            8425   seaman               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown   grey         oval    fair           middling stout  8425  Scrofula marks round neck, W S left arm
Santos      Basilio De Los     8410   sailor               S  none   5' 4"       black         dark hazel   oval    man of colour  stout           8410  Anchor each arm, man of colour
Savage      James              8417   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    light hazel  long    fair           middling stout  8417  None
Sayers      George             8413   labourer             M  one    5' 8 1/2"   brown         light hazel  long    fresh          stout           8413  Wound mark right leg
Scholes     William            8419   ship steward         S  none   5' 4"       dark brown    dark hazel   long    fresh          middling stout  8419  Cut on knuckle 2nd finger right hand
Scott       Charles            8430   weaver               S  none   5' 5"       dark brown    hazel        long    dark           middling stout  8430  None
Sennet      William Francis    8411   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         hazel        long    fresh          middling stout  8411  Mole right side of neck
Shaw        James              8428   plumber              S  none   5' 5"       dark brown    light hazel  oval    fresh          middling stout  8428  None
Skelton     Alfred             8422   watchmaker           S  none   4' 11 1/2"  brown         grey         long    sallow         slight          8422  None
Skelton     Jacob              8423   farmer               M  three  5' 6"       dark brown    dark blue    long    dark           middling stout  8423  Scar left side of knee
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Smith       Henry              8418   machine fitter       S  none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown   light blue   oval    fair           stout           8418  None
Smith       James              8408   waterman             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown         light blue   long    dark           middling stout  8408  Crown and sailor right arm, crown, anchor and W S left arm
Smith       James              8426   labourer             S  none   5' 9"       brown         hazel        long    fresh          middling stout  8426  None
Smith       John               8404   labourer             M  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8404  Burn marks left side of mouth, E D R and L on arms, ring second finger left hand
Smith       Samuel             8421   labourer             M  three  5' 6"       brown         blue         round   dark           middling stout  8421  Lost three front teeth, scar left elbow, ruptured
Smith       Thomas             8406   fitter               M  four   5' 6 3/4"   brown         light blue   long    dark           middling stout  8406  Cuts between thumb and first finger left hand, first joint second finger right hand contracted
Smith       Thomas             8407   shoemaker            S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown         hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8407  T S back of left hand
Smith       Thomas             8415   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       brown         dark hazel   full    ruddy          stout           8415  None
Smith       Thomas             8416   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown   blue         long    light          middling stout  8416  D left side
Smith       William            8433   brickmaker           M  none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   hazel        long    sallow         slight          8433  Anchor, F K, woman right arm, "I cannot see God, but God" left arm, W S, 1861, within heart, star and dots left hand, right leg diseased
Sobey       Samuel             8429   carpenter            S  none   5' 8 3/4"   light brown   blue         long    fair           middling stout  8429  None
Somers      William            8434   builder              S  none   5' 11 1/4"  brown         hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8434  None
Spiers      Robert             8405   rough carpenter      S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         hazel        oval    dark           middling stout  8405  Pockpitted, cup marks on breast
Stephens    James              8424   woolen weaver        M  two    5' 4 1/2"   brown         light hazel  long    dark           middling stout  8424  Cut right wrist
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Stephenson  Richard            8427   tailor               S  none   5' 3 3/4"   light auburn  light hazel  long    fair           middling stout  8427  None
Stevens     James              8412   labourer             S  none   6' 0"       brown         blue         long    dark           middling stout  8412  Pockmarked, P B left arm
Steward     Joseph             8432   tailor               M  one    5' 4 1/2"   light red     hazel        oval    fresh          stout           8432  None
Stewart     Charles            8409   block printer        M  three  5' 4"       light brown   light blue   oval    fair           middling stout  8409  Small cut under lip, M G right arm
Stockdale   William            8431   labourer             M  two    5' 5"       light brown   blue         round   fresh          middling stout  8431  Left ear closed up, scar on right cheek
Stoneman    John               8402   gardener             M  one    5' 8 3/4"   brown         hazel        oval    dark           stout           8402  Cut under lip
Stott       John               8414   collier              M  four   5' 5"       dark brown    grey         long    sallow         middling stout  8414  Scar under right eye
Street      John               8420   shoemaker            S  none   5' 11"      light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8420  Scar right elbow
Swindells   John               8403   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       dark brown    light blue   round   fresh          middling stout  8403  None
Tasker      Henry              8437   smith                S  none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8437  Cut on upper lip, end of second finger left hand fractured, pockpitted
Taylor      John               8443   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    dark           middling stout  8443  None
Taylor      William            8436   farm labourer        S  none   5' 10"      light brown   blue         long    sallow         middling stout  8436  None
Thompson    Charles            8444   tailor               S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8444  None
Thompson    William            8439   gardener & farmer    S  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown         blue         long    fresh          middling stout  8439  None
Thorley     James              8438   blacksmith           S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   oval    dark           stout           8438  Burn marks right and left arms and ditto on left wrist
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Timewell    Frank B.           8445   accountant           M  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8445  None
Tizzard     William            8435   mason                S  none   5' 5"       dark brown    blue         long    fair           middling stout  8435  None
Tombs       George             8441   farm labourer        S  none   4' 10 1/4"  brown         blue         oval    fresh          middling stout  8441  Cut on right elbow and cut on left thumb
Trubshaw    George             8442   metal smith          M  none   5' 7"       brown         grey         oval    light          middling stout  8442  Right forefinger crooked
Turner      James              8440   farm labourer        S  none   5' 4"       light brown   hazel        oval    fair           stout           8440  Ring second finger right hand, ring first, T second, O third finger left hand
Vale        Edwin              8447   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         blue         round   fresh          stout           8447  Eyebrows large
Veasey      David              8448   moulder              M  five   5' 8 1/4"   brown         hazel        full    dark           stout           8448  None
Villiers    Charles            8446   clerk                S  none   5' 7 3/4"   grey          blue         long    fair           middling stout  8446  None
Waddell     Thomas             8461   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         blue         round   sallow         middling stout  8461  D left side, flags, anchor, elephant, two men, cross swords and heart left arm, ship and anchor right arm, ring second finger each hand
Warren      Alfred             8460   labourer             M  none   5' 7 1/2"   light brown   blue         full    fresh          stout           8460  Left foot deformed
Warris      William            8457   blacksmith           M  two    5' 4"       light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8457  Wreath, anchor and crown, flower and pot, W W on right arm
Watkins     Daniel             8463   labourer             M  one    5' 2"       dark brown    light hazel  round   fair           stout           8463  Scars on chest
Watkins     Thomas             8468   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       brown         hazel        oval    fair           middling stout  8468  None
Wells       James              8453   cook                 M  one    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8453  Scar on right cheek
Wells       Josiah             8450   servant              S  none   5' 6 3/4"   black         brown        oval    dark           middling stout  8450  D left side, B C left breast
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Surname    Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes       Face     Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Westall     Charles            8452   gardener             M  none   5' 9 1/2"   brown         hazel        long    fresh          middling stout  8452  None
Weston      William            8458   butcher              S  none   5' 5"       brown         grey         long    sallow         middling stout  8458  Star, crown, flags, anchor, heart and arrow left arm
White       Timothy            8462   engine driver        M  one    5' 6 1/2"   black         blue         oval    sallow         middling stout  8462  Scar on right hand, D left side
White       Young              8467   stone cutter         W  five   5' 5 1/4"   light brown   blue         oval    fair           thin            8467  Widower; Three upper front teeth out
Whitham     John               8469   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8469  None
Wiggan      Richard            8465   forgeman             S  none   5' 6"       light brown   blue         round   fair           stout           8465  Cut on upper lip
Wilkes      John               8464   blacksmith           S  none   5' 8"       dark brown    hazel        long    sallow         thin            8464  Seven stars left hand
Williams    George             8466   horse breaker        M  none   5' 8 1/2"   light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8466  Thin nose, long fingers
Williams    Henry              8451   labourer             S  none   5' 2 3/4"   red           hazel        long    fair           middling stout  8451  Very much freckled
Wilmot      George             8454   labourer             S  none   5' 7 3/4"   light brown   blue         oval    fair           stout           8454  B C right breast, pockpitted
Wilson      John               8459   servant              S  none   5' 8 3/4"   black         dark hazel   long    dark           middling stout  8459  Horse shoe right arm, bracelet right wrist, cross flags, anchor, crucifix, heart and arrow left hand, ring second finger left hand
Wilson      Joseph             8456   turner & fitter      S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown         dark hazel   oval    dark           middling stout  8456  None
Wood        Edward Jefferson   8455   baker                S  none   5' 1 3/4"   brown         hazel        oval    dark           stout           8455  Lost all upper front teeth
Woods       Henry              8449   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       light brown   blue         oval    fair           middling stout  8449  English and American coat of arms, C H and R C, anchor, wreath and anchor left arm, sailor, mermaid, woman, cross pipes, bottle and glass right arm, bracelet right wrist
Yates       Edward             8470   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/2"   light brown   hazel        oval    dark           middling stout  8470  Y left wrist, E R wrist, D and union jack left side
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