Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Merchantman, 1863

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Ainsley      William           6811  boot closer          S  none   5' 6"       brown         grey         long   sallow    middling stout  6811  D left side, cupped marks on body   
Allan        James             6814  seaman               S  none   5' 2 3/4"   black         hazel        long   fresh     middling stout  6814  None
Allanson     William           6809  tailor               .  ....    ...   ...   ...    ...    ....   ....  ....    ....    ...  ....  ...  6809  Died in Fremantle convict hospital soon after arrival   
Allen        Charles George    6808  seaman               S  none   5' 9 1/4"   light brown   hazel        round  fair      middling stout  6808  None
Allen        Stephen           6812  farm labourer        S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   blue         thin   sallow    stout           6812  Scar back of left hand
Allsop       Richard           6815  labourer             S  none   5' 7 3/4"   light brown   grey         long   sallow    slight          6815  Scar between second and third finger left hand
Anderson     Alexander         6813  bootmaker            W  four   5' 7"       grey          blue         full   red       stout           6813  Widower; None
Atack        William           6810  glove dresser        S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         blue         oval   sallow    stout           6810  Crooked finger left hand
Atwell       Henry             6807  sawyer               M  none   5' 4 1/8"   brown         dark hazel   full   sallow    stout           6807  None
Bacon        Thomas Fuller     6827  smith                M  none   5' 4"       brown         hazel        thin   fresh     stout           6827  None
Bain         William           6825  shipwright           S  none   5' 6"       black         dark hazel   full   sallow    stout           6825  None
Baker        Robert            6826  groom                S  none   5' 6 1/4"   grey          hazel        thin   sallow    healthy         6826  Deep scar right arm
Baker        Samuel            6824  labourer             M  four   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        full   fresh     stout           6824  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Barlow       William           6834  stoker               S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown   dark hazel   full   fair      stout           6834  Burn left leg
Barnes       Henry             6829  labourer             S  none   5' 8 3/4"   dark brown    blue         full   sallow    stout           6829  D left side
Barrow       George            6817  stationer            M  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         light hazel  long   fresh     stout           6817  Scar over right eyebrow
Bartlett     Alfred            6822  labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown    blue         thin   fair      middling stout  6822  Scar right side
Bevor        Henry             6830  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/8"   brown         blue         thin   fair      middling stout  6830  None
Bickle       John              6819  labourer             S  none   5' 7"       brown         dark hazel   long   sallow    middling stout  6819  D left side
Black        Henry             6828  labourer             S  none   5' 7"       light brown   blue         round  fair      stout           6828  None
Bolyne       John              6816  carpenter            M  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         hazel        long   sallow    middling stout  6816  None
Boyce        William           6838  labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/8"   red           blue         full   fresh     stout           6838  Compass right wrist
Breen        Michael           6837  miner                M  one    5' 2 1/2"   brown         blue         thin   fair      middling stout  6837  None
Brelsford    George            6818  blacksmith           W  one    5' 6 1/4"   brown         blue         full   sallow    stout           6818  Widower; Cut on forehead
Brooks       James             6831  labourer             S  none   5' 3 3/8"   brown         blue         thin   sallow    middling stout  6831  None
Broome       Richard           6833  collier              S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6833  Burn right leg
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Brown        Charles           6832  labourer             S  none   5' 6"       light brown   dark hazel   thin   fair      middling stout  6832  None
Brown        James             6835  joiner               M  two    5' 2 1/8"   black         blue         oval   fresh     freckled        6835  None
Brown        William           6836  jockey               S  none   5' 5"       brown         dark hazel   full   sallow    stout           6836  Scar right cheek, scar left cheek   
Burgess      Isaac             6823  shoemaker            W  one    5' 2 1/2"   light brown   grey         round  sallow    middling stout  6823  Widower; None
Burnsides    William           6820  labourer             S  none   5' 9"       light brown   hazel        long   sallow    middling stout  6820  First and second finger left hand crooked   
Byford       James             6821  butcher              M  five   5' 4"       light brown   blue         round  fair      stout           6821  First finger right hand nail broken
Callaghan    Austin            6846  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/8"   dark brown    dark hazel   round  sallow    stout           6846  W.A.E.R.J. left arm
Campbell     James             6852  slater               M  two    5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    light blue   long   fresh     middling stout  6852  D left side
Campbell     John              6848  stone cutter         S  none   5' 3"       light brown   dark hazel   oval   sallow    middling stout  6848  Bridge of nose broken
Carpenter    Michael           6851  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        long   fair      stout           6851  Cut upper lip
Clarke       James             6845  key smith            M  three  5' 3 3/4"   red           hazel        long   fresh     middling stout  6845  None
Cloudley     Thomas            6843  labourer             M  three  5' 5"       brown         blue         long   pale      middling stout  6843  None
Coleman      James             6841  labourer             S  none   5' 4"       dark brown    dark hazel   long   fair      middling stout  6841  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Collins      Joseph            6839  bookbinder           S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         grey         oval   fresh     stout           6839  None
Conolly      Martin            6840  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   grey         thin   sallow    slight          6840  None
Cooley       Robert            6849  labourer             S  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown         blue         round  fresh     pockpitted      6849  None
Cooper       Richard           6842  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown    blue         oval   sallow    stout           6842  D left side
Cosgrove     Peter             6844  baker                S  none   5' 3 1/8"   dark brown    blue         full   dark      middling stout  6844  Freckled
Coyle        James             6850  weaver               M  two    5' 6"       black         grey         thin   sallow    middling stout  6850  None
Coyne        George            6847  screw forger         S  none   5' 4 1/2"   black         hazel        long   dark      stout           6847  None
Cullen       Patrick           6853  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   red           blue         round  fresh     stout           6853  Cast both eyes
Davies       Henry             6854  labourer             M  none   5' 7"       brown         dark hazel   oval   fair      stout           6854  Woman left arm
Davis        James             6856  jeweller             M  one    5' 3 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   oval   dark      stout           6856  None
Davis        William           6855  domestic servant     S  none   5' 8 1/2"   brown         hazel        long   fair      middling stout  6855  Mole right side
Douglas      John James        6858  jeweller             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   black         blue         long   sallow    stout           6858  None
Duffy        Thomas            6859  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   blue         round  fair      middling stout  6859  Female crucifix left arm, cross and figure of a man right arm, slightly bald   
Duthoit      James             6857  stuff presser        M  two    5' 5"       light brown   blue         thin   fresh     middling stout  6857  Scar right cheek
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Eades        Charles           6862  labourer             S  none   5' 3"       dark brown    dark hazel   long   sallow    middling stout  6862  None
Earp         Thomas            6863  groom                S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light         blue         oval   red       pockpitted      6863  Burn right arm
Edwards      George            6864  scale beam finisher  S  none   5' 1"       light         light hazel  round  fresh     stout           6864  None
Edwards      John              6861  plumber              S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown   blue         long   fresh     middling stout  6861  Scar over left eye
Ellam        Thomas            6865  labourer             S  none   5' 11"      brown         hazel        long   fresh     middling stout  6865  Three burn scars left arm
Elliott      Samuel            6866  seaman               S  none   5' 7"       dark brown    blue         round  sallow    stout           6866  None
Eustone      Robert            6860  labourer             .  ....    ...   ...   ...    ...    ....   ....  ....    ....    ...  ....  ...  6860  Died in Bermuda on the way to Australia   
Fahey        John              6871  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown    blue         long   dark      middling stout  6871  None
Fannin       James             6870  stone cutter         S  none   5' 6"       dark brown    dark hazel   thin   fresh     stout           6870  None
Fawn         Thomas            6867  plumber              M  three  5' 8 1/2"   brown         blue         round  fresh     middling stout  6867  None
Fletcher     Alfred            6868  blacksmith           S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         grey         long   fresh     middling stout  6868  None
Fraser       Peter             6869  gardener             M  four   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    blue         full   dark      stout           6869  None
Gadd         Henry             6879  labourer             S  none   5' 5"       brown         blue         thin   sallow    middling stout  6879  Scar right eye
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Gibson       David             6874  carpenter            W  four   5' 3 1/2"   light brown   blue         oval   fair      middling stout  6874  Widower; Scar on back
Glann        William           6875  bricklayer           S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown    dark hazel   long   sallow    middling stout  6875  Scar under lower lip
Gleadall     James             6880  weaver               S  none   5' 11"      grey          hazel        full   fresh     stout           6880  First finger right hand broken, scar on top of head
Goddard      Samuel            6877  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         blue         round  sallow    stout           6877  None
Goff         William           6873  plumber              S  none   5' 7"       light         blue         oval   fair      middling stout  6873  Scar right knee
Golding      William           6878  pearl button maker   S  none   5' 5"       light brown   blue         oval   fair      middling stout  6878  None
Goodfellow   John              6876  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         blue         long   fair      middling stout  6876  Brig in full sail left arm, woman right arm, D left side   
Greaves      Frederick         6872  sign painter         S  none   5' 4"       light         blue         oval   fair      slight          6872  None
Gunn         William           6881  seaman               S  none   5' 6"       brown         dark hazel   round  fresh     stout           6881  Scar on forehead
Hall         William           6893  carver               S  none   5' 6"       light brown   hazel        oval   fresh     stout           6893  None
Hall         William           6896  drover               S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         blue         long   ruddy     middling stout  6896  Scars on forehead, scars right and left shin
Hanmer       George            6887  labourer             S  none   5' 6"       dark brown    dark hazel   oval   sallow    middling stout  6887  Cut left eye
Harris       John              6886  stone cutter         S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark          dark hazel   oval   dark      middling stout  6886  J.A.H.L. right arm, rings both wrists
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hathaway     John Gordon       6888  labourer             S  none   5' 6"       black         light hazel  oval   pale      slim            6888  None
Head         Charles           6894  mason's labourer     M  three  5' 8 1/4"   grey          blue         round  swarthy   stout           6894  None
Hebits       William Charles   6882  gardener             S  none   5' 10"      black         blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6882  Large lump left eye
Henfrey      George            6891  shoemaker            M  none   5' 3"       dark brown    blue         round  dark      stout           6891  Scar right temple
Hiram        Edward            6890  labourer             M  three  5' 3"       greyish       blue         long   fair      middling stout  6890  Sunken eyes, first joint third finger right hand gone   
Hirst        Richard           6897  labourer             S  none   5' 7"       brown         grey         long   sallow    middling stout  6897  None
Hitchcock    Henry             6885  labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   full   dark      middling stout  6885  None
Hodgkinson   James             6884  labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown         blue         oval   sallow    middling stout  6884  Crucifix sailor cross flags etc right arm, sailor etc left arm   
Hogg         William           6889  weaver               S  none   5' 7"       light brown   blue         round  fair      stout           6889  Burn on side
Holloway     Joseph            6895  miner                S  none   5' 5"       light         grey         round  sallow    stout           6895  D left side
Hughes       James             6892  labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/8"   brown         light hazel  long   sallow    stout           6892  Varicose veins back of legs
Hunt         Robert            6883  clerk                S  none   5' 4"       light brown   blue         long   fair      middling stout  6883  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Jackson      Edward            6900  painter              M  eight  5' 6 3/4"   black         dark grey    long   dark      middling stout  6900  None
Jenkinson    Samuel            6903  mariner              S  none   5' 3"       black         blue         long   dark      slim            6903  Tree right arm, crucifix left arm
Johnson      Francis           6902  baker                S  none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         dark hazel   oval   fresh     stout           6902  None
Johnson      Thomas            6905  collier              S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light         blue         oval   fresh     middling stout  6905  None
Jones        James             6904  axle tree turner     S  none   5' 1"       dark brown    dark hazel   oval   fresh     middling stout  6904  Burn left wrist
Jones        Thomas            6898  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown   blue         full   sallow    middling stout  6898  Bald
Jones        Thomas            6901  labourer             S  none   4' 11"      light brown   dark hazel   round  sallow    middling stout  6901  Slightly bald, left leg broken
Jones        William           6899  labourer             S  none   5' 4"       light brown   light hazel  oval   fresh     middling stout  6899  Burn marks right side of chin, ditto right and left arms   
Kelly        Edward            6906  labourer             S  none   5' 8"       dark          dark hazel   round  dark      middling stout  6906  None
Kerr         Thomas            6909  carpenter            S  none   5' 8"       black         light blue   long   dark      slim            6909  Scar bridge of nose
Kershaw      Richard           6908  horse dealer         W  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         hazel        oval   dark      middling stout  6908  Widower; None
Kilroy       Patrick           6907  labourer             M  three  5' 5 1/2"   dark          grey         round  dark      stout           6907  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Leary        John              6915  rope maker           S  none   5' 10 1/4"  black         grey         long   sallow    stout           6915  Anchor flag E.G.B. left arm, harp C.B. right arm
Leggett      James             6913  carpenter            S  none   5' 5"       brown         blue         round  sallow    stout           6913  Slightly pockpitted
Levy         Patrick           6914  miner                S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown         grey         long   sallow    middling stout  6914  None
Liversage    Henry             6910  waiter               W  none   5' 8"       dark brown    hazel        long   fresh     middling stout  6910  Widower; None
Lockett      Thomas            6912  shoemaker            M  none   5' 6"       black         light hazel  full   sallow    stout           6912  None
Lush         William           6911  mason                S  none   5' 7"       light brown   grey         long   ruddy     slim            6911  Anchor right hand, ring third finger left hand
Maddox       Sampson           6928  labourer             S  none   5' 4"       light brown   blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6928  None
Mahon        James             6931  brickmaker           S  none   5' 1 1/2"   red           blue         oval   fresh     middling stout  6931  None
Mallaney     Peter             6927  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         hazel        long   ruddy     middling stout  6927  Pockpitted, scar right side upper lip, scar right wrist and on back   
Maloney      James             6943  labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   light brown   blue         oval   fresh     middling stout  6943  Freckled
Marney       Alexander         6917  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/2"   grey          blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6917  T. and L. anchor left arm, sailor and anchor right arm
Marris       Charles           6933  blacksmith           S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   round  ruddy     stout           6933  None
Marsden      Henry             6929  file cutter          M  six    5' 4 1/2"   brown         light hazel  long   sallow    middling stout  6929  Compass and anchor right arm   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Mason        William           6944  labourer             S  none   5' 5 7/8"   light brown   hazel        long   sallow    slim            6944  None
McAnerney    John              6923  labourer             S  none   5' 2 1/8"   dark brown    grey         round  fresh     stout           6923  Cast left eye, thumb left hand broken
McBride      James             6942  mason                S  none   5' 6 1/4"   black         blue         round  dark      middling stout  6942  None
McDonald     Alexander         6925  labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   black         blue         round  ruddy     middling stout  6925  Anchor crown and wreath right arm
McDonald     Hugh              6939  poulterer            M  one    5' 4 1/2"   light & thin  blue         round  ruddy     stout           6939  Scar under right eye, anchor on wrist
McDonald     James             6935  moulder              S  none   5' 5 1/4"   brown         blue         full   dark      stout           6935  A.B. right arm
McInnes      William           6945  baker                S  none   5' 8"       dark          dark hazel   long   dark      middling stout  6945  Cut left side under lip
McKenzie     John              6921  seaman               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown         hazel        long   fair      stout           6921  None
McKinnon     Archibald         6938  carter               S  none   5' 7"       brown         brown        long   sallow    slim            6938  Eyes sunken
McMahon      John              6922  labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown         blue         oval   fresh     stout           6922  Scar right cheek
McMulkin     James             6936  sawyer               S  none   5' 10 1/2"  light brown   blue         round  sallow    stout           6936  None
McRae        Alexander         6941  labourer             S  none   5' 4"       brown         brown        long   sallow    middling stout  6941  Scar right temple, scar left thumb
McSparran    Archibald         6934  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6934  Blue dot left side upper lip, scar left temple   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Mew          John              6926  shoemaker            S  none   5' 7"       reddish       blue         oval   ruddy     middling stout  6926  None
Miles        John              6940  rope maker           S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         light grey   long   sallow    slim            6940  None
Moore        John              6924  labourer             S  none   5' 10 1/8"  black         dark hazel   oval   sallow    middling stout  6924  None
Morfitt      Henry             6930  mason                S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown         blue         oval   sallow    slim            6930  1852 and ink marks left arm
Morley       George            6916  shoemaker            M  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown         blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6916  Scars both knees and right thigh
Morris       Joseph            6918  labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/4"   brown         blue         long   fresh     stout           6918  None
Morrison     Charles           6937  moulder              S  none   5' 4"       brown         light hazel  round  fresh     stout           6937  Thistle and ink marks right arm, freckled
Mortimer     John              6932  weaver               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown   blue         long   fresh     middling stout  6932  Scar left leg
Mowbray      Alfred            6919  cattle drover        S  none   5' 4"       brown         grey         oval   fair      middling stout  6919  None
Mustoe       Thomas            6920  stone cutter         S  none   5' 7"       grey          brown        oval   dark      stout           6920  None
Norris       William           6946  cooper               S  none   5' 8 3/4"   light brown   blue         long   sallow    slim            6946  None
Oliver       William Lemon     6947  surgeon              M  none   5' 9 1/4"   light         blue         long   fresh     slim            6947  Cupping marks left breast
Ostler       Noah              6948  labourer             S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown         blue         oval   sallow    middling stout  6948  Front tooth lost, stutters slightly
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Parker       William           6951  bricklayer           S  none   5' 5"       dark & grey   blue         long   dark      middling stout  6951  None
Pettit       Frederick         6950  labourer             S  none   5' 10"      dark brown    blue         long   sallow    stout           6950  None
Potter       Ephraim           6949  labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown         blue         round  dark      stout           6949  None
Read         William           6956  upholsterer          S  none   5' 4 3/4"   grey          blue         long   sallow    slim            6956  None
Reardon      John              6953  painter              S  none   5' 2 3/4"   dark brown    brown        oval   dark      middling stout  6953  Cut right eye
Redfern      William           6952  tallow chandler      M  none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   dark grey    long   sallow    thin            6952  Hollow between eyes, mole right cheek
Riley        Thomas            6955  stonemason           S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         blue         long   dark      middling stout  6955  None
Robertson    David             6957  labourer             S  none   5' 4 7/8"   brown         blue         round  ruddy     stout           6957  Scar under right jaw, scar between eyes
Robinson     James             6954  plasterer            M  two    5' 1 1/2"   black         light blue   round  ruddy     stout           6954  Lost one front tooth
Ryan         Michael           6959  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown         blue         full   ruddy     stout           6959  Freckled
Ryan         Timothy           6958  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/8"   brown         brown        long   dark      middling stout  6958  None
Salter       Job               6969  labourer             S  none   5' 3"       dark brown    blue         round  fresh     stout           6969  Pockmarked, scar right leg
Salter       William           6970  labourer             S  none   5' 2 1/2"   black         blue         round  dark      stout           6970  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Saville      William           6961  bricklayer           W  five   5' 5"       black         blue         round  ruddy     stout           6961  Widower; Scar on head
Scott        James             6973  labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6973  Nose broken
Simcox       William           6972  brass caster         S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown         blue         round  ruddy     stout           6972  Pockpitted, scar left foot
Slater       James             6968  clerk                S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown         blue         round  fresh     stout           6968  None
Smith        Edward            6971  hatter               S  none   5' 5"       brown         light blue   long   fresh     middling stout  6971  None
Smith        James             6965  printer              S  none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         dark brown   long   dark      slim            6965  Burn left leg, lost one or two front teeth
Smith        John              6964  labourer             S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown         blue         round  ruddy     stout           6964  D left side
Smith        John              6975  labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   long   sallow    middling stout  6975  D left side, woman left arm
Smith        Samuel            6962  brickmaker           S  none   5' 3 7/8"   brown         grey         round  ruddy     stout           6962  Lost sight of left eye
Snow         William           6967  labourer             M  one    5' 7"       brown         light blue   long   fresh     middling stout  6967  None
Sparrow      George            6974  labourer             S  none   5' 7 1/4"   light brown   blue         long   sallow    slim            6974  Man left arm, cut right side upper lip
Sparrow      Thomas            6966  labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   black         blue         oval   dark      middling stout  6966  Eyes deep set, one front tooth out
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Stevenson    William           6963  clerk                S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    brown        oval   fresh     middling stout  6963  None
Summons      Robert            6960  labourer             M  seven  5' 5 3/4"   brown         light blue   round  ruddy     middling stout  6960  Thick lips, red mark over eyes, very deaf   
Taite        Samuel            6981  shoemaker            M  two    5' 4"       black         hazel        long   ruddy     middling stout  6981  None
Tarrey       Thomas            6976  shoemaker            M  none   5' 3 1/2"   black         blue         oval   dark      middling stout  6976  Heart and C.T. right arm
Taylor       Henry             6979  gunsmith             S  none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    light blue   long   sallow    middling stout  6979  Lost top joint first finger right hand
Thomas       George            6980  fitter               S  none   5' 4"       grey          light blue   long   dark      middling stout  6980  None
Tilley       Francis           6977  labourer             S  none   5' 8"       black         dark blue    oval   sallow    middling stout  6977  Scar on breast
Tozer        Frederick         6978  labourer             S  none   5' 0"       dark brown    blue         long   dark      middling stout  6978  Scar left thigh
Wade         William           6994  cloth manufacturer   M  two    5' 7 1/2"   grey          blue         round  sallow    stout           6994  Scar on bridge of nose
Walker       Henry             6993  sawyer               S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         blue         long   dark      middling stout  6993  Woman inside left wrist, blue marks right thumb   
Waters       Henry             6986  boot closer          S  none   5' 4"       brown         blue         long   fresh     slim            6986  None
White        Alfred            6988  maltster             M  none   5' 10"      dark brown    hazel        oval   dark      middling stout  6988  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation     M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face  Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Williams     George            6987  engineer             S  none   5' 7"       red           blue         long   sallow    middling stout  6987  None
Williams     James             6997  carpenter            S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   light grey   long   sallow    middling stout  6997  None
Williams     Thomas            6991  carpenter            S  none   6' 1 1/4"   black         light blue   oval   sallow    slim            6991  Blue dots left wrist
Wilson       John              6985  labourer             S  none   5' 6"       brown         blue         long   dark      middling stout  6985  None
Wilson       Thomas            6983  labourer             S  none   5' 4"       dark          light hazel  long   sallow    middling stout  6983  None
Wilson       William           6996  weaver               S  none   5' 5"       dark          blue         round  dark      middling stout  6996  None
Wood         Henry John        6982  tailor               S  none   5' 3 1/2"   black         blue         oval   dark      middling stout  6982  None
Woolcomb     Joseph            6989  labourer             S  none   5' 9"       light brown   light hazel  round  sallow    middling stout  6989  Pockpitted, scar on neck under chin
Woolley      John              6984  gas fitter           M  none   5' 5"       dark          dark hazel   long   dark      middling stout  6984  None
Woolley      Thomas            6992  smith                S  none   5' 5"       brown         grey         round  dark      stout           6992  None
Wray         Joseph            6998  labourer             S  none   5' 7"       dark brown    blue         long   dark      middling stout  6998  None
Wrightson    Joseph            6995  weaver               S  none   5' 2 1/2"   light & thin  blue         long   sallow    slim            6995  Scar left side of chin, scar right temple
Wyatt        John              6990  fitter               M  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   light hazel  round  sallow    middling stout  6990  None
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