Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Pyrenees, 1853

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Andrews       Alfred              1817  butcher                        S  none     5' 8"       dark brown   hazel       oval         fair          tolerably stout  1817  Two cuts on forefinger of right hand
Arnott        William             1931  moulder                        S  none     5' 3"       auburn       grey        full         fair          stout            1931  Slight cut on left cheek
Austin        William             2002   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   .  ....      ...   ...   ....   ....  ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ....  ...   ...   ...  2002   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Bain          Donald              1913  farm servant                   S  none     5' 4"       dark brown   hazel       full         dark          stout            1913  None
Baldock       Robert              1930  farm labourer                  M  none     5' 7 1/4"   brown        dark        long         dark          middling stout   1930  None
Ballman       William             1833  labourer                       S  none     5' 8 1/2"   light brown  grey, weak  oval         fair          robust           1833  None
Barlow        John                1873  brickmaker                     S  none     5' 5 1/2"   light brown  hazel       round        sallow        healthy          1873  Scar on right side of eye, and left side of neck
Barnes        William             1725  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/4"   light brown  hazel       long         florid        stout            1725  None
Barnett       Edward              1800  warehouseman                   S  none     5' 5 1/2"   light brown  blue        long         fair          slight           1800  None
Basenhall     Elijah              1902  potter                         S  none     4' 11 1/2"  dark brown   blue        full         fresh         stout            1902  None
Batt          William             1838  labourer                       M  three    5' 0 1/4"   brown        hazel       round        florid        stout            1838  None
Beadle        Frederick           1862  cook                           S  none     5' 6 1/2"   brown        dark blue   long         swarthy       slight           1862  Much pockmarked
Beauty        William             1871  shoemaker                      S  none     5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey        long         sallow        stout            1871  Broken or cut finger right hand
Beckett       Robert              1747  labourer                       W  one      5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey        round        fair          stout            1747  Widower; None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Bennett       William             1771  labourer                       M  one      5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          healthy          1771  Scar on left thumb, cut on little finger of right hand
Bevington     John                1734  seaman                         S  none     5' 4 1/2"   dark         dark        oval         sallow        stout            1734  S. Larn, right arm, CHJB left arm, RCJB anchor and heart
Bewley        Edward              1943  iron and brass fitter          S  none     5' 9 1/2"   brown        hazel       long         dark          stout            1943  Anchor on back of right hand, ink ring on third finger, heart, 5 dots, 2 ink rings left hand   
Bickmore      William             1966  groom and gardener             S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         clear         healthy          1966  None
Bissett       James H.            1760  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark blue   oval         swarthy       stout            1760  None
Blackett      James               1765  salesman                       M  one      5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         fair          stout            1765  JBILEW on right arm, scar on ring finger of right hand
Branch        Henry               1826  farm labourer                  S  none     5' 5"       black        hazel       round        ruddy         stout            1826  Anchor on left arm, large H on back of left hand
Brice         Charles             1781  seaman                         S  none     5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey   long         florid        stout            1781  None
Brooks        John                1962  labourer                       S  none     5' 2 3/4"   dark brown   grey        round        ruddy         stout            1962  Scar from cut on little finger of left hand
Brooks        William             1764  labourer                       S  none     5' 6"       brown        dark grey   round        fair          tolerably stout  1764  Scar on knuckle of second finger left hand
Brown         James               1879  blacksmith's striker           S  none     5' 8 1/2"   brown        light grey  oval         clear         stout            1879  None
Brown         John                1818  framework knitter              S  none     5' 7 3/4"   light brown  blue        long         fair          slight           1818  Scar over upper lip
Brown         John                1856  seaman                         S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey   round        florid        stout            1856  MB, heart, MM on right arm, JBILJR left arm
Brown         John                1934  labourer                       M  none     5' 6"       light brown  blue        oval         swarthy       healthy          1934  None
Brown         Thomas              1821  whitesmith & labourer          S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         fair          tolerably stout  1821  P, heart with dagger, union jack, B. flag, IL, crown with laurels   
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Bruce         John                1855  engine stoker                  S  none     5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   dark        long         dark          slight           1855  Lost right eye from smallpox, thistle AEJC
Bryan         John                1977  waterman                       S  none     5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   dark blue   long         sallow        slight           1977  Scar on left eyebrow, cut on upper lip
Bryant        John                1918  wheelwright                    M  ....     5' 1 1/2"   auburn       grey        oval         fair          slight           1918  Forehead very prominent
Buckley       Joseph              1887  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 1/2"   light brown  blue        oval         swarthy       stout            1887  None
Burgess       William             1814  labourer                       S  none     5' 2"       light brown  grey        oval         fair          slight           1814  Scar on left thumb, scar on bridge of nose
Burrows       William             1722  labourer                       M  four     5' 11 1/2"  brown        grey        long         sallow        healthy          1722  Scar on palm of left hand
Campbell      John                1888  collier                        S  none     5' 11"      dark brown   hazel       long         swarthy       stout            1888  Scar on forefinger of left hand
Campbell      John                1976  seaman                         S  none     5' 53/4"    brown        dark brown  long         sallow        slight           1976  Five dots on left hand
Campbell      Joseph              1753  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          slight           1753  Cicatrix on each side of the neck from scrofula
Carroll       Joseph              1850  dyer                           S  none     5' 4""      brown        grey        oval         fair          stout            1850  Scar on back of left hand, right eye affected
Castle        Thomas              1858  smith & gas fitter             S  none     5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   black       long         dark          healthy          1858  Scar on forefinger of right hand, wreath THC
Champ         Edmund              1763  sawyer                         S  none     5' 8 1/2"   light        grey        oval         fair          tolerably stout  1763  None
Chance        William             1883  labourer                       S  none     5' 2 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          stout            1883  Cut on back side of left hand, scar on side of right eye
Chatterton    Edward              1739  blacksmith                     W  one      5' 9"       dark brown   dark grey   oval         sallow        stout            1739  Widower; Scar on 2nd Middle finger left hand
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Cherry        Alexander           1987  labourer                       S  none     5' 2"       dark brown   grey        oval         clear         stout            1987  Scar on back of right hand
Chester       Thomas              1758  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   light brown  hazel       long, spare  pock marked   healthy          1758  Anchor on right wrist, tree on back of left hand
Chinnerry     Isaac               1968  butcher                        S  none     5' 5"       light brown  blue        oval         fair          stout            1968  None
Chipperfield  John                1830  groom                          M  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        swarthy       stout            1830  None
Churchyard    Isaac               1974  warehouse man                  W  three    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   hazel       full         florid        stout            1974  Widower; None
Clark         George              1796  labourer                       M  one      5' 8"       grey         grey        long         dark          tolerably stout  1796  Scar on thumb of left hand
Clark         John                1842  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 3/4"   red          hazel       oval         fair          stout            1842  Freckled
Cleveland     William             1992  gardener                       S  none     5' 10 1/2"  light brown  grey        long         swarthy       healthy          1992  Scar on left side of nose and cheek
Cocking       Thomas              1937  labourer                       W  three    5' 4 3/4"   grey         grey        round        sallow        stout            1937  Widower; Two scars on second finger of right hand
Colborn       Job                 1876  chair bottomer                 S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   grey        long         swarthy       tolerably stout  1876  Five dots on ring finger left hand, cut on forefinger of same
Collins       James               1970  plasterer                      S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         swarthy       stout            1970  Ink ring second finger right hand, 5 dots on left hand, scar on right eyebrow, impediment in speech   
Colson        James               1891  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   grey        round        clear         stout            1891  Mark of contusion on right eye
Cook          Thomas              1787  labourer                       S  none     5' 11"      dark brown   hazel       full         dark          very stout       1787  Scar over right eyebrow
Cooper        James               1944  bricklayer                     S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       full         dark          ...   ...   ...  1944  24 dots on right wrist, scar on bridge of nose
Cooper        Thomas              1809  baker                          S  none     5' 7"       light brown  blue        oval         fair          stout            1809  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Coppings      John                1860  painter & glazier              S  none     5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       oval         clear         slight           1860  None
Coverley      William             1880  labourer                       S  none     5' 9 1/4"   black        black       oval         dark          tolerably stout  1880  Two figures of heads on back of left hand, ALE with wreath back of right hand   
Cowan         George              1756  bookbinder                     S  none     5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   hazel       long         sallow        stout            1756  Small scar on inside of left thumb towards the wrist
Crouch        William             1776  waterman                       S  none     5' 6"       black        hazel       round        dark          slight           1776  Injury on back of right hand, abcess mark on left cheek
Cummins       John                1958  seaman                         S  none     5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       long         sallow        slight           1958  Ink ring on second finger left hand, scar on forehead
Davey         James               1815  soldier                        S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   hazel       long         swarthy       healthy          1815  Ink rings on middle fingers of right hand, scar over left temple   
Davis         George              1874  wire drawer                    M  none     5' 6 3/4"   brown        grey        oval         fair          stout            1874  H or right arm, GDLH on left arm
Davis         Thomas              1982  linen draper                   S  none     6' 0"       black        black       oval         dark          stout            1982  Scar on left temple
Dawson        Edward              1772  servant                        M  one      5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey   oval         fair          healthy          1772  Scar over left eyebrow
Dean          James               1988  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       long         florid        tolerably stout  1988  None
Dennis        Thomas              1882  blacksmith's labourer          S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark         grey        long         fair          stout            1882  Slightly pockmarked
Dixon         William             1852  seaman                         S  none     5' 3 1/2"   light brown  blue        oval         florid        healthy          1852  GP, and anchor on left arm, scar on bridge of nose
Dobbie        Archibald           1837  shoemaker                      S  none     5' 3 1/2"   brown        grey        long         sallow        slender          1837  None
Dodd          William E.          1912  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          stout            1912  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Dowse         Stephen             1798   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   M  three    6' 7 3/4"   black        grey        long         florid        stout            1798  Stiff joint little finger left hand
Duggan        George              1985  labourer                       S  none     5' 7"       dark brown   grey        long         swarthy       slight           1985  Slightly marked with smallpox
Duncan        John                1719  soda water manufacturer        S  none     5' 3"       light        grey        round        fair          robust           1719  None
Eaton         Christopher         1775  tailor                         S  none     5' 3 "      black        hazel       oval         dark          tolerably stout  1775  Crucifix on right arm, scar on upper lip
Eaton         John                1726  jeweller                       M  one      5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          stout            1726  Burn on left wrist and lost left eye
Edwards       Joseph              1827  railway contractor             W  two      5' 4 3/4"   black        black       oval         dark          tolerably stout  1827  Widower; None
Elliot        William             1906  labourer                       S  none     5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          stout            1906  Scar on left hand
Ellmore       William             1905  brewer                         S  none     5' 7"       black        hazel       full         swarthy       tolerably stout  1905  Scar over right eyebrow
Evans         John                1733  baker                          S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark        long         sallow        slight           1733  None
Eveson        William             1897  blacksmith                     S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   dark        oval         dark          tolerably stout  1897  Ink bracelet and WE on left hand
Fairburn      Jonathan            1812  weaver                         S  none     5' 9 1/4"   black        black       oval         dark          stout            1812  Ink rings on all fingers of left hand, first joint of forefinger of right hand   
Fairhead      James               1863  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 3/4"   brown        hazel       long         florid        slight           1863  None
Fallows       William             1900  potter                         S  none     5' 5"       auburn       hazel       full         fair          stout            1900  Scar on right cheek, freckled
Fisher        Duncan              1742  collier                        S  none     5' 7"       dark brown   black       full         florid        stout            1742  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Forbes        James               1898  coachman                       S  none     5' 8 3/4    dark brown   hazel       full         dark          stout            1898  None
Foster        George              1925  paper stainer                  S  none     5' 6"       dark         hazel       full         dark          stout            1925  Slightly pockmarked
Foster        Robert              1904  weaver and groom               S  none     5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey        long         dark          slight           1904  Scar on right side of upper lip
Fraser        Peter               1752  stocking weaver                S  none     5' 3 1/2"   light brown  hazel       full         fair          healthy          1752  Thistle and flag, CCF, JP, AB, heart, JF, in centre, tree and wreath, man and woman left arm   
French        Richard             1799  labourer                       M  five     5' 7 1/4"   light brown  blue        round        fair          stout            1799  None
Frost         John                1861  labourer                       S  none     5' 1 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         swarthy       slight           1861  None
Garrett       Charles             1983  baker                          S  none     5' 4"       dark brown   hazel       long         pale          slight           1983  None
Geary         William             1961  sawyer                         M  one      5' 6"       black        dark brown  oval         dark          stout            1961  None
Gellan        John                1744  comb maker                     S  none     5' 6"       black        black       oval         dark          slight           1744   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Gingel        William             1911  wood cutter                    S  none     5' 6"       black        black       round        dark          stout            1911  Burn in palm of right hand, and slightly pockmarked
Gipson        William             1875  brickmaker                     S  none     5' 7 1/2"   brown        brown       long, thin   sallow        slight           1875  None
Golding       Frederick           1885  fishmonger                     S  none     5' 5 1/2"   brown        dark blue   oval         clear         tolerably stout  1885  None
Goodrich      Samuel H.           1980  sailmaker                      W  three    6' 1"       brown        grey        oval         fair          very stout       1980  Widower; None
Green         John                1942  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   black       oval         fresh         healthy          1942  Scar on right side of neck, slight impediment in speech   
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Grenville     William             1805  labourer & net maker           S  none     5' 0 1/2"   light brown  blue        oval         fair          slight           1805  SW and anchor, five dots left hand
Grimes        William             1945  plasterer                      S  none     5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         clear         healthy          1945  Scar under left eyebrow
Groom         John                1828  bootcloser                     S  none     5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   dark        long         dark          slight           1828   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Guthrie       David               1956  engineer                       M  none     5' 9"       dark         grey        oval         clear         stout            1956  Half moon, in red on right arm
Gutteridge    Joseph              1788  labourer                       S  none     5' 3"       brown        hazel       round        clear         tolerably stout  1788  Cicatrix from scrofula on left side of neck
Hack          William             1973  upholsterer                    M  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   black       oval         clear         healthy          1973  Cut under right eyebrow
Haggar        John                1770  labourer                       S  none     5' 4"       black        hazel       oval         dark          slight           1770  None
Hall          James               1893  mason                          S  none     5' 5 1/2"   light brown  hazel       long         clear         tolerably stout  1893  None
Hanson        George              1908  brickmaker                     S  none     5' 4 1/2"   light brown  blue        oval         fair          healthy          1908  Scar on back of left hand
Harrison      William             1794  sinker and miner               M  two      5' 5"       black, grey  hazel       round        dark          very stout       1794  None
Harrison      William             1955  iron founder                   S  none     5' 10 1/4"  dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          stout            1955  Coat of arms, J. anchor, H.SNID, cross, TJ on right arm, SNID, sailor and crucifix, J.B. and anchor left hand   
Haughie       Patrick             1854  butcher                        S  none     5' 4 3/4"   light brown  dark grey   long         florid        slight           1854  Slightly pockmarked
Hayhurst      James               1994  labourer                       S  none     5' 4 1/2"   light brown  hazel       long         sallow        tolerably stout  1994  Scars on both thumbs
Healy         Thomas              1877  gas fitter                     S  none     5' 9 1/2"   brown        grey        round        swarthy       stout            1877  SC surrounded with dots, lost first joint of second finger right hand, 15 dots, 3 ink rings on left hand   
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Heard         James               1967  labourer                       M  three    5' 8"       black, grey  dark grey   long         dark          stout            1967  None
Hendy         John                1951  miner                          S  none     5' 4"       brown        grey        oval         dark          tolerably stout  1951  Sceptre glass, pistol and star, back of right hand, 1849: J.HARVEY back of left hand   
Herbert       Thomas              2000  labourer                       M  five     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   grey        full         dark          stout            2000  None
Hesketh       Joseph              1989  tailor                         S  none     5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   grey        oval         sallow        stout            1989  Littlefinger of left hand contracted   
Hicks         Thomas              1884  grocer                         S  none     5' 7 1/2"   brown        grey        oval         dark          stout            1884  Anchor on back of left hand, scar on bridge of nose   
Hill          George              1995  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   black       long         dark          healthy          1995  Cut on left side of upper lip
Holland       William             1804  sawyer                         S  none     5' 4"       light brown  light       round        florid        stout            1804  None
Holley        George              1807  soldier                        S  none     5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       round        swarthy       stout            1807  Cut on right side of upper lip, and scar on bridge of nose   
Holloway      John                1766  horsekeeper                    S  none     5' 9"       black        black       round        dark          healthy          1766  None
Holmes        John                1740  plumber and painter            S  none     5' 6"       dark         dark        oval         ruddy         slight           1740  Scar on knuckles left hand
Hounslow      John                2003   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   .  ....      ...   ...   ....   ....  ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ....  ...   ...   ...  2003   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Howell        Charles             1868  labourer                       M  none     5' 5"       dark brown   dark        oval         dark          stout            1868  Scar on back of right arm, above the elbow   
Hughes        Thomas              1820  groom                          S  none     5' 6"       black        dark grey   oval         dark          tolerably stout  1820  Scar on back of left hand, enlarged joint 2nd. and 3rd. fingers each hand   
Humphries     Thomas              1949  hammerman                      S  none     5' 1 1/4"   brown        grey        oval         swarthy       stout            1949  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hunt          William             1715  sawyer                         S  none     5' 9 3/4"   dark brown   dark brown  long         sallow        stout            1715  None
Hunt          William             1878  labourer                       S  none     5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       long         sallow        stout            1878  Little finger of left hand crooked, scar on right wrist
Hutchins      Frederick           1881  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey        full         dark          stout            1881  None
Hutchins      Henry               1946  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         swarthy       stout            1946  Anchor and scar on right thumb, ring on second finger of right hand, ring on little finger left hand   
Ives          James               1915  labourer                       S  none     5' 7"       dark         grey        round        dark          stout            1915  TF and fish on left wrist
Jackson       Thomas Sydney Hall  1938  lath render                    S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark         hazel       long         fresh         slight           1938  Heart on back of left hand
Jemmison      William             1924  chemist and druggist           S  none     5' 9 1/4"   black        black       oval         dark          healthy          1924  None
Johns         Joseph Bolitho      1790  miner and dresser              S  none     5' 11"      black        hazel       long         clear         healthy          1790  Pockmarked
Johnson       Francis             1971  clerk                          M  one      5' 5 1/2"   light brown  blue        full         fair          stout            1971  Scar on palm and back of left hand
Johnstone     James               1993  miner                          S  none     5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         ruddy         stout            1993  None
Johnstone     Thomas              1964  excavator                      S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   grey        oval         fair          stout            1964  Scar under chin, ring on third finger right hand, 3 dots on back of hand   
Johnstone     William             1948  carpenter                      S  none     5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   grey        full         fresh         stout            1948  Star, ship, half moon, and sun on right arm, anchor, mermaid WJJ   
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Jones         Alfred              1773  labourer                       S  none     5' 11"      dark brown   grey        long         swarthy       stout            1773  D on left arm, ink ring on second finger of left hand, scar burn right hand   
Jones         George              1965  painter                        S  none     5' 8 1/4"   black        hazel       long         dark          slight           1965  Anchor and bracelet on right hand, star with red centre on left
Jones         John                1975  tailor                         M  none     5' 7"       dark brown   hazel       full         sallow        stout            1975  None
Jones         Owen                1851  labourer                       S  none     5' 5"       brown        grey        oval         fair          healthy          1851  CJWJ on right arm, mermaid on left arm
Jones         Thomas              1723  groom                          S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   grey        round        dark          stout            1723  None
Keen          Joseph              1843  gardener                       M  two      5' 6  3/4"  dark brown   hazel       oval         fair          slight           1843  Scar from cut on small finger left hand
Kelley        James               1853  stone sawyer                   S  none     5' 9 1/4"   black        grey        oval         clear         slight           1853  None
Kilhowlie     James               1896  comb presser                   S  none     6' 2 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          stout            1896  Small scar over left eyelid
Kilty         Robert              1894  mason                          S  none     5' 7 1/2"   brown        hazel       oval         dark          stout            1894  Small scar over right eyebrow
King          John                1859  french polisher                S  none     5' 5 1/4"   light brown  blue        oval         fair          healthy          1859  None
Kirkwood      Josiah              1834  nailer                         S  none     5' 6 1/4"   light brown  grey        long         sallow        tolerably stout  1834  Scar left side of under lip
Lake          William             1917  labourer                       S  none     5' 3"       dark brown   brown       oval         dark          tolerably stout  1917  WH, heart, diamond on left, and ink ring on third finger of right hand and bracelet   
Lamb          William             1808  soldier                        S  none     6' 1 3/4"   auburn       blue        oval         florid        healthy          1808  Blroken joint on second finger of left hand
Lambert       William             1920  trunk maker                    M  one      4' 7"       dark brown   grey        long         dark          healthy          1920  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Lank          Samuel              1825  carpenter                      M  five     5' 6 1/4"   black, grey  grey        oval         clear         healthy          1825  None
Large         Joseph              1872  chandelier caster              S  none     5' 7"       brown        blue        round        ruddy         stout            1872  None
Lawrence      John                1979  renevator                      M  none     5' 11"      black        hazel       full         dark          stout            1979  Impediment in speech; scar on neck
Legge         Edward              1736  horse breaker                  M  none     5' 8 1/2"   black        hazel       oval         florid        healthy          1736  Scar on wrist of right arm, and one scar on forehead
Lennon        John                1759  warehouseman                   S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         dark, ruddy   healthy          1759  Lost front tooth in upper jaw
Lewis         John                1997  boatman                        S  none     5' 4"       brown        grey        full         dark          stout            1997  pockmarked
Listen        Thomas              1890  labourer                       S  none     5' 9 1/2"   brown        dark grey   oval         swarthy       stout            1890  Broken nose with scar
Lows          Charles             1922  hair dresser                   M  none     5' 7"       dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          healthy          1922  Slightly pockmarked
Macartney     William             1847  slater                         M  two      5' 9 3/4"   dark brown   dark brown  oval         clear         tolerably stout  1847  Contracted joint of both little fingers, scar on left temple   
Madden        Edward              1730  Weaver and tailor              S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark         hazel       full         freckled      stout            1730  None
Madden        John                1731  bricklayer                     S  none     5' 4"       dark         hazel       long         florid        stout            1731  Five dots and JW on left hand
Maddock       Henry               1813  labourer                       S  none     5' 8 3/4"   brown        light grey  round        fair          stout            1813  None
Manning       James               1816  labourer                       S  none     5' 7"       brown        dark grey   oval         clear         stout            1816  None
Marshall      John                1768  silk manufacturer              M  five     5' 8 1/2"   dark         hazel       round        florid        very stout       1768  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Martin        Thomas              1714  labourer                       S  none     5' 6"       dark brown   grey        long         dark          slight           1714  First joint of little finger right hand dislocated
May           James               1957  waterman                       M  none     5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       long         dark          stout            1957  None
McAuley       Murdock             1845  quarryman                      S  none     5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          slight           1845  Cast in left eye, scar on bridge of nose
McCan         John                1743  brass founder                  S  none     5' 8"       dark brown   dark grey   round        dark          stout            1743  Burn on back of left hand
McCreeth      William             1986  clerk                          M  one      5' 5"       black        hazel       oval         dark          tolerably stout  1986  None
McDonald      John                1909  lithographic printer           S  none     5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          healthy          1909  Anchor on back of right hand, faint scar on forehead and lip   
McGough       Andrew              1831  sawyer                         S  none     5' 7 1/2"   auburn       blue        long         fair          stout            1831  Slightly pock marked
McIntre       Archibald           1789  agricultural labourer          W  one      5' 7"       dark brown   dark grey   full         fair          stout            1789  Widower; Pockmarked
McKay         James               1901  labourer                       S  none     5' 5"       dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          healthy          1901  None
McKay         James               1919  seaman                         S  none     5' 5"       dark brown   grey        oval         dark          stout            1919  ? Back of left hand
Meakin        Thomas              1952  brickmaker                     S  none     5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          stout            1952  Ink ring on second finger right hand, scar on right hand
Mewburn       Robert              1889  printer and clerk              S  none     5' 3 1/2"   light brown  hazel       oval         florid        slight           1889  Cut on under lip, scar over left eyebrow
Moriarty      Alexander           1950  cabinet maker                  S  none     5' 6 1/2"   brown        hazel       round        freckled      tolerably stout  1950  Scar over left eyebrow
Morris        Francis             1947  groom                          M  one      5' 5"       black        grey        oval         dark          stout            1947  None
Morris        William             1921  weaver and brickmaker          S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   grey        full         ruddy         stout            1921  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Moult         Henry               1910  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 3/4"   brown        hazel       long         sallow        slight           1910  None
Muir          David               1754  weaver                         M  one      5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey        full         swarthy       stout            1754  Stiff jointed finger right hand, two spots on back of left hand   
Neary         John                1729  miner                          W  one      5' 6"       black        hazel       oval         dark          robust           1729  Widower; Cut on third finger left hand
Newis         John                1867  labourer                       S  none     5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          slight           1867  None
Niblock       Charles             1755  ploughman                      M  three    5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   brown       oval         sallow        slight           1755  Forefinger on left hand contracted
Nicholas      William             1903  tailor                         M  none     4' 11 1/2"  dark brown   grey        oval         swarthy       slight           1903  Scar on right thumb
Owens         John                1932  seaman                         S  none     5' 5"       dark         hazel       oval         ruddy         slight           1932  Cut across right eyebrow
O'Brien       Edward              1916  soldier                        S  none     5' 10 1/4"  brown        grey        long         fair          stout            1916  None
Parrot        William             1886  collier                        S  none     5' 4"       dark brown   hazel       round        ruddy         stout            1886  Scar and lump over left eyebrow
Pearson       John                1857  bricklayer's labourer          S  none     5' 4 3/4"   light brown  grey        oval         florid        stout            1857  Enlarged bone on back of left hand
Peffers       Archibald H.        1835  engineer                       S  none     5' 9 3/4"   black, grey  dark grey   oval         dark          stout            1835  Wound on right breast, apparently from a gun
Perry         Charles             1959  mason                          S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       full         florid        stout            1959  Scars on thumb, first joint off left thumb
Pettit        George              1972  labourer                       S  none     5' 11"      dark brown   hazel       long         dark          stout            1972  None
Phillips      John                1761  mason                          W  five     5' 0"       dark brown   hazel       full         dark          robust           1761  Widower; None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Philpot       William             1824  labourer                       S  none     5' 9"       light brown  hazel       long         fair          slight           1824  Scar on left cheek
Pickard       George              1708  sawyer                         S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   dark brown  long         fair          healthy          1708  None
Pirie         William             1899  shoemaker                      S  none     5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey   full         dark          stout            1899  None
Poynter       Alfred              1785  servant                        S  none     5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey        oval         fair          stout            1785  None
Price         Joseph              1839  labourer                       S  none     5' 7"       brown        dark grey   round        fair          stout            1839  None
Pringle       George              1840  watch & clock maker            W  five     5' 7 1/2"   grey         grey        round        ruddy         stout            1840  Widower; Broken joint of forefinger on right hand
Pryor         Albion              1712  poulterer                      M  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   dark brown  round        dark          stout            1712  None
Quinn         Thomas              1709  weaver                         S  none     5' 3"       dark brown   dark brown  round        sallow        unbealthy        1709  Cicatrices from scrofula on each side of neck
Reid          George              1810  labourer                       S  none     5' 6"       brown        blue        long         fair          healthy          1810  Ink ring on second finger of left hand, scar on forehead   
Riddle        John                1864  painter                        S  none     5' 9 1/4"   light brown  black       oval         ruddy         healthy          1864  None
Ritchie       James               1751  clerk                          S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark brown  full         dark          healthy          1751  Vision impaired
Roberts       Daniel              1990  ostler                         S  none     5' 5"       brown        hazel       oval         clear         slight           1990  Slight scar between eyebrows
Roberts       Edward              1822  sawyer                         M  one      5' 9"       light brown  blue        round        fair          stout            1822  Scar on right eyebrow
Roberts       Stephen             1801  shoemaker                      M  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        fair          stout            1801  Freckled, 2 women, 2 dogs, sleigh and deer on left arm, ship on right   
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Robinson      William             1769  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/4"   light brown  brown       oval         florid        healthy          1769  None
Rodgers       James               1749  labourer                       M  three    5' 9 1/2"   dark grey    dark grey   oval         dark          healthy          1749  None
Rose          George              1848  clerk                          M  three    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   dark grey   round        ruddy         stout            1848  Small scar on chin
Rosier        Harry               1728  brickmaker                     S  none     6' 0 1/4"   black        black       oval         dark          stout            1728  Two scars on back of left hand
Ross          James               1741  baker                          S  none     5' 0"       dark brown   hazel       full         florid        healthy          1741  None
Rowland       John                2001   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   .  ....      ...   ...   ....   ....  ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ....  ...   ...   ...  2001   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Ryrie         John                1846  colour maker                   S  none     5' 6"       brown        hazel       oval         clear         stout            1846  Cicatrix under left ear
Sandlands     Thomas              1717  smith and founder              S  none     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   grey        pockmarked   dark          slight           1717  Half moon with dot on back of left hand
Saunders      Edward              1720  silk gimp manufacturer         S  none     5' 4 3/4"   brown        dark grey   round        healthy       middling stout   1720  Scar on second finger, ring finger broken
Sawyer        Joseph              1748  labourer                       S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark        round        sallow        stout            1748  Scar on back of right hand
Sawyer        William             1727  labourer                       S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   hazel       round        florid        stout            1727  Scar on left eyebrow, cut on second finger left hand
Scott         James               1762  puddler-moulder                S  none     5' 7"       dark brown   hazel       long         sallow        tolerably stout  1762  Scars under left eye
Seckingham    Edward              1892  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2    brown        hazel       oval         dark          slight           1892  None
Sedbury       Thomas              1778   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   .  ....      ...   ...   ....   ....  ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ....  ...   ...   ...  1778   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Sermon        William             1780  groom                          S  none     5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          stout            1780  None
Shanes        George              1941  labourer                       M  two      5' 9 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       full         dark          stout            1941  Pockmarked
Shaw          Albert              1783  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/4"   brown        light grey  long         fair          stout            1783  Slightly pockmarked
Sherlock      James               1836  carter                         S  none     5' 8 3/4"   light brown  grey        oval         swarthy       stout            1836  Two scars on right thumb, one on right eyebrow   
Shields       Mark                1713  weaver                         M  four     5' 4 1/2"   grey         dark brown  round        dark          stout            1713  None
Shoesmith     William             1774  brickmaker                     S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   grey        oval         dark          healthy          1774  Cut on left thumb
Sims          George              1926  farm labourer                  S  none     5' 11"      dark brown   grey        oval         dark          stout            1926  None
Small         Levi                1844  labourer                       S  none     5' 10 3/4"  light brown  blue        round        fair          stout            1844  Scar on back of right hand and pockmarked
Smith         Frederick           1969  waiter                         S  none     5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       long         sallow        thin             1969  Scar burn on back of left hand
Smith         George              1960  tinman and brazier             S  none     5' 4"       black        black       round        dark          slight           1960  Scar on right wrist, ink star on back of left hand
Smith         John                1954  boiler maker                   S  none     5' 4 3/4"   black        black       round        clear         stout            1954  Small scar in middle of forehead
Smith         John                1869  labourer                       W  one      5' 8 3/4"   brown        dark grey   oval         dark          healthy          1869  Widower; Seven dots on back of left hand
Smith         John                1832  tailor                         S  none     5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey   oval         fair          tolerably stout  1832  None
Smith         Thomas              1802  clog maker                     S  none     5' 4"       dark brown   grey        long         fair          stout            1802  Aquiline nose
Smith         Thomas              1732  tailor                         S  none     5' 3 1/2"   black        black       long         sallow        slight           1732  None
Smith         Thomas              1999  butcher                        M  one      5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey   long         clear         slight           1999  None
Smith         William             1724  tailor                         S  none     5' 3 1/2"   light brown  grey        round        florid        stout            1724  Scar on second finger left hand
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Snelling      William             1914  weaver                         S  none     5' 7 3/4"   brown        grey        oval         fair          slight           1914  Figure of a woman with a flower on left arm
Squires       William             1991  bookmaker & framework knitter  S  none     5' 8 1/2"   light brown  grey        oval         swarthy       stout            1991  None
Steele        John                1819  lime burner                    S  none     5' 8 1/2"   light brown  blue        long         sallow        slight           1819  None
Sullivan      Owen                1933  labourer                       S  none     5' 7"       dark brown   black       oval         dark          healthy          1933  Cut across right eyebrow
Sweetman      Henry               1841  carpet weaver                  S  none     5' 1 1/2"   brown        grey        oval         swarthy       slender          1841  None
Symmons       Richard             1746  tailor                         S  none     5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         sallow        healthy          1746  Scar on top of right thumb
Tallboys      Charles             1784  boatman                        S  none     5' 6 3/4"   light brown  blue        round        fair          stout            1784  Scar on back of right hand, scar on right cheek
Tarling       William             1984  labourer                       S  none     6' 1 1/2"   dark brown   blue        oval         dark          stout            1984  None
Tennant       George              1782  tailor                         S  none     5' 7 1/2"   light brown  grey        oval         fair          stout            1782  Stiff joint on little finger of right hand
Terry         Richard             1823  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   black        black       round        dark          healthy          1823  Scar on knuckles of left forefinger
Thaxestone    Thomas              1907  carpet weaver                  S  none     5' 4"       brown        grey        oval         dark          healthy          1907  Scar and JKC surrounded with a line, on left hand   
Thomas        James               1806  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        dark          slight           1806  Lost tip of 3rd. Finger of left hand
Thomas        John                1716  agricultural labourer          S  none     5' 6"       dark brown   hazel       round        sallow        stout            1716  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Thompson      John                1777  farm labourer                  M  one      5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   grey        long         swarthy       healthy          1777  Cut on knuckle of left hand, scar on left side of chin   
Thompson      John                1735  miner                          S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       round        healthy       stout            1735  Cut on 2nd. finger and scar on back of left hand
Thompson      John H.             1757  labourer                       M  none     5' 4"       dark brown   dark grey   oval         florid        healthy          1757  None
Thompson      Samuel              1849  brewer                         M  none     5' 8"       dark brown   grey        round        fair          stout            1849  None
Thompson      William             1792  cooper and carpenter           S  none     5' 6 1/4"   auburn       light       full         fair          stout            1792  Ink ring on second finger of left hand
Thompson      William             1923  ladies' shoemaker              S  none     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         dark          stout            1923  None
Treherne      George              1795  labourer                       S  none     5' 10 1/2"  light brown  blue        long         fair          middling stout   1795  Cast in right eye, scar from abcess under chin and on upper lip   
Turner        John                1998  gardener and groom             S  none     5' 7"       light brown  dark blue   oval         fresh         stout            1998  None
Vagg          George              1953  blacksmith                     M  three    5' 10"      brown        hazel       oval         dark          stout            1953  Scar on left eyebrow, cut on upper lip
Waddingham    Richard             1939  labourer                       S  none     5' 7 1/2"   brown        hazel       long         ruddy         stout            1939  None
Wakefield     George              1865  framework knitter              S  none     5' 9 1/2"   grey         grey        oval         dark          strong           1865  SW on back of left hand, and scar on left eyebrow
Walker        John                1718  warehouseman                   S  none     5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       long         dark          slight           1718  Scar on right thumb and nose
Watkins       Joseph              1779  blacksmith's striker           M  one      5' 5"       black        black       round        dark          stout            1779  Cut on thumb of left hand, scar on right side of upper lip
Watson        Thomas              1803  butcher                        S  none     5' 7"       black        hazel       round        dark          healthy, stout   1803  Enlarged joint of forefinger of right, scar on forehead over right eye   
Watson        William             1710  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 1/2"   black        black       full         dark          healthy          1710  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Webb          Charles             1811  carman                         S  none     5' 7 1/4"   light brown  blue        round        fair          very stout       1811  Scar under right eyebrow
Webb          George              1791  wool dresser                   W  two      5' 5"       brown        grey        full         fair          stout            1791  Widower; Cross and CW on back of left hand
Webb          John                1750  servant                        S  none     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       thin         sallow        slight           1750  None
Welch         Robert              1786  horsedealer                    M  none     5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   hazel       long         clear         tolerably stout  1786  Lost the right eye
Wells         Charles             1963  warehouse man                  S  none     5' 5"       dark brown   hazel       oval         fair          stout            1963  Scar on right wrist
Wheatley      John                1936  carpenter                      S  none     5' 6"       auburn       blue        long         fair          slight           1936  Scar on forehead over right eye
White         Dennis              1870  labourer                       M  one      5' 7"       grey         dark grey   ....   ....  dark          slight           1870  Scar on left thumb
White         John                1978  waiter                         S  none     5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   hazel       oval         sallow        slight           1978  None
White         Peter               1738  labourer                       W  none     5' 9"       black        hazel       oval         florid        healthy          1738  Widower; Lost left eye
Whiting       Charles             1767  labourer                       M  none     5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   grey        full         dark          very stout       1767  Ink mark ring on second finger of right hand, joint of little finger contracted   
Whittle       Isaac               1940  sawyer                         S  none     5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   blue        oval         fresh         tolerably stout  1940  Scar on forefinger of right hand, scar on forehead over right eye   
Wilkins       George              1797  sawyer                         M  two       ...   ...   ....   ....  ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ....  ...   ...   ...  1797   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Williams      John                1935  labourer                       M  one      5' 9 1/4"   light brown  blue        oval         fair          tolerably stout  1935  Ink ring on second finger of left hand, cut on thumb of right
Williams      Thomas              1996  bootmaker                      M  seven    5' 4 1/4"   dark brown   grey        long         fresh         slight           1996  Scar on right eyebrow
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No           Occupation          M/S Child     Height        Hair          Eyes       Face       Complexion       Build       Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Wilson        George              1829  labourer                       S  none     5' 6 1/4"   light brown  grey        round        fair          stout            1829  Cut across left thumb
Wilson        John                1711  mason's labourer               S  none     5' 3"       brown        grey        long         ruddy         healthy          1711  None
Wilson        John                1895  carpenter                      S  none     5' 10"      dark brown   hazel       oval         fair          slight           1895  Scar on right temple
Wilson        Peter               1745  labourer                       S  none     5' 6"       black        black       round        florid        stout            1745  None
Wixey         George              1981  general dealer                 S  none     5' 7"       red          grey        oval         fair          stout            1981  None
Wood          James               1721  shoemaker                      S  none     5' 3 1/2"   black        black       round        dark          stout            1721  None
Wood          William             1927  baker                          S  none     5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey        long         fair          slight           1927  Ink ring on third finger left hand
Wroe          George              1737  upholsterer                    W  none     5' 5"       grey         dark grey   long         sallow        slight           1737  Widower; Mark on lip
Yeomans       Frederick           1866  ostler                         S  none     5' 9"       dark brown   hazel       oval         swarthy       stout            1866  Lost left eye, scar on left forefinger
Young         Henry               1793  labourer                       S  none     5' 9 1/2"   brown        dark grey   round        fair          stout            1793  "O" symbols on right hand, five dots on left hand, slightly pockmarked   
Young         John                1928  brassmould & weaver            S  none     5' 6 1/2"   brown        hazel       full         ruddy         stout            1928  None
Yule          William             1929  farm servant                   S  none     5' 7 1/2"   brown        grey        round        sallow        slight           1929  Scaofula mark side of left chin
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