Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Clara, 1857

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Alexander      William            4244   bootmaker            S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4244  Pockmarked
Appleyard      Abraham            4425   labourer             S  none   5' 5"       brown        grey         round    fresh      stout           4425  Pockmarked, cut on upper lip
Armstrong      Thomas             4488   weaver               M  two    5' 1 3/4"   light brown  dark hazel   long     fresh      middling stout  4488  Two cuts left forefinger, cut second finger left hand, scar on right cheek
Ascroft        James              4333   miner                W  one    5' 1 1/2"   sandy        grey         angular  fresh      middling stout  4333  Widower; Cut left forefinger, contracted left little finger, scald on back of right hand   
Aspinall       Edward             4275   weaver               S  none   5' 1"       brown        grey         oval     fair       middling stout  4275  Mole left arm
Baillie        Alexander          4381   glass blower         S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   dark hazel   round    dark       stout           4381  Cut left side of chin, cut left eyebrow, cross, pedestal, and heart on left arm
Barratt        Daniel             4497   sawyer               S  none   5' 4"       dark         grey         long     sallow     stout           4497  Cast in left eye, broken top joint left little finger
Basford        George             4286   labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   grey         round    sallow     middling stout  4286  Burn on stomach, scar back of left hand, cut left little finger
Beard          Henry              4494   baker                M  one    5' 10"      dark         dark brown   oval     fresh      stout           4494  Cupped on breast, loins and left side
Beckett        John               4453   waterman             M  one    5' 11 1/2"  black        dark brown   oval     dark       middling stout  4453  Cut under each eye, burn back of right hand
Bell           John               4405   tailor               S  none   5' 8"       dark brown   grey         full     fresh      stout           4405  Very much pockmarked
Bentley        John               4248   labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        grey         round    fresh      middling stout  4248  J. near right thumb
Blann          Benjamin           4343   labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  oval     sallow     middling stout  4343  Cut little finger left hand, scar right hand
Bowen          James              4369   tailor               S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   light brown  round    fresh      stout           4369  Cut on forehead
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks
Bradley        Elijah             4393   farm labourer        M  six    5' 4 1/2"   black        dark hazel   round    sallow     middling stout  4393  Scars on left arm
Briggs         Joseph             4489   labourer             M  none   5' 2"       dark brown   blue         round    fresh      stout           4489  Cut over each eye, JL, ML, JL, CL, PL
Broadwood      William            4239   shoemaker            M  six    5' 4"       dark brown   brown        oval     sallow     middling stout  4239  Cast left eye, cut left thumb, woman left arm, ring 2nd finger each hand   
Brophy         John               4334   labourer             S  none   5' 10"      dark brown   grey         long     sallow     middling stout  4334  Crucifix right arm, ring second finger right hand
Brown          Charles            4408   shoemaker            M  none   5' 6"       light brown  grey         round    fresh      stout           4408  Scar right cheek
Brown          James              4277   jeweller             S  none   5' 9 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4277  Pockmarked, cut lst and 2nd fingers right hand, cut left hand, scar between eyebrows   
Brown          Thomas             4373   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        long     sallow     middling stout  4373  Scar right temple, M.L. and Face left arm
Brown          Thomas             4416   printer              S  none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   grey         thin     pale       slight          4416  Scar right side of body
Browning       Henry              4441   tailor               S  none   5' 0"       light brown  light grey   round    fresh      middling stout  4441  Cut left wrist
Burke          James              4310   labourer             S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   light hazel  round    fresh      middling stout  4310  None
Burr           George             4400   sailor               S  none   5' 7"       light brown  grey         round    fresh      stout           4400  Monument right arm, man and crown left arm
Bush           William            4411   stone mason          S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   light brown  round    fresh      middling stout  4411  Slightly pockmarked, man, woman, crown, flags, crucifix  right arm, ship & mermaid left arm   
Button         Joseph             4319   farm labourer        W  two    5' 2 1/4"   grizzled     grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4319  Widower; Bald
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Campbell       William            4340   baker                S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4340  Faint blue marks both arms
Carter         John               4287   knife grinder        S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4287  Burn, halfmoon and anchor right arm, fish and woman left arm
Chance         Charles            4384   labourer             M  one    5' 8 1/2"   light brown  blue         round    fresh      stout           4384  None
Charles        Thomas             4442   groom                S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4442  J on left arm
Chesworth      William            4306   shipwright           S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   dark grey    long     dark       middling stout  4306  Scald on left cheek, star right arm, M.C. left arm, nine dots left hand, cut left forefinger
Clarke         John               4330   stonecutter          S  none   5' 0 1/2"   light brown  dark grey    round    fair       slight          4330  Scar on forehead, scar on left forefinger
Clarke         Robert             4389   sawyer               M  two    5' 7"       dark brown   hazel        oval     sallow     middling stout  4389  None
Clarke         William            4304   farm labourer        M  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown        dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4304  Scar near left wrist, injured knuckle second finger right hand   
Clay           Robert             4435   framework knitter    S  none   5' 5"       light brown  blue         long     fair       slight          4435  Sailor, flag, JC, Mary, HJAFOHJ left arm, crucifix "To the memory of John Clay who departed this life April 1856" right arm, cut on back of right hand   
Cleary         Joseph             4358   carpenter            M  six    5' 10"      light brown  blue         oval     fresh      stout           4358  None
Coalston       Thomas             4309   labourer             M  none   5' 4"       dark brown   hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4309  Pockmarked, burn left arm
Cockshutt      Henry              4353   book binder          S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4353  Moles right arm, scar third finger right hand
Cole           Thomas             4359   labourer             M  none   5' 4 1/4"   black        light brown  long     fair       middling stout  4359  Pockmarked, cut under right eye, FR left arm
Coleman        George             4380   labourer             S  none   6' 0 1/4"   brown        blue         long     sallow     slight          4380  Bald on crown of head, two upper front teeth out
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Connolly       Patrick            4321   publican             M  two    5' 4 3/4"   grey         light grey   oval     sallow     middling stout  4321  None
Cook           Thomas             4470   biscuit baker        S  none   5' 7 3/4"   red          blue         long     fresh      middling stout  4470  Freckled, three moles right arm
Coward         Fleming            4278   clerk                M  two    5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval     dark       middling stout  4278  Cut over right eye, cut corner of left eye, cut on forehead
Craddock       John               4363   baker                M  seven  5' 5"       dark         light brown  long     dark       middling stout  4363  Bald, mark on forehead
Crawshaw       Thomas             4422   farm labourer        M  three  5' 3 1/4"   sandy        grey         round    sallow     middling stout  4422  Cut over right eye, injured third and little fingers left hand
Croft          Joseph             4336   stoker               M  none   5' 9"       dark brown   grey         oval     dark       middling stout  4336  Two hearts, mermaid, TP, right arm, J.C.left arm, anchor etc. left hand
Crowder        John               4293   shoemaker            S  none   5' 8 1/4"   brown        grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4293  None
Curran         James              4297   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       dark brown   hazel        oval     swarthy    middling stout  4297  Pockmarked
Dacey          Jeremiah           4490   labourer             S  none   5' 8 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round    fair       stout           4490  Anchor left arm, two moles right arm
Danson         Matthew            4395   miner                S  none   5' 7 3/4"   black        grey         full     fresh      stout           4395  Scar over left eye, scar left cheek, broken nose
Darling        John               4437   sailor               S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4437  "J. Cooper" on breast, both arms and legs covered with blue marks and letters 
Davidson       George             4273   engine fitter        S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval     sallow     middling stout  4273  Broken nail third finger left hand
Davis          William            4259   collier              M  one    5' 3 1/2"   light brown  grey         round    sallow     middling stout  4259  Cut left arm, small black mark right arm
Davis          William            4432   engine fitter        S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4432  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Davy           Alexander          4392   boiler maker         S  none   6' 3"       light brown  dark hazel   oval     fresh      slight          4392  Cuts on third and fourth fingers left hand
Dixon          William            4446   waterman             S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   dark brown   oval     dark       middling stout  4446  None
Docherty       James              4420   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   red          dark hazel   long     fresh      slight          4420  Freckled, cut third finger left hand
Doleman        George             4349   farm labourer        S  none   5' 7"       dark brown   hazel        oval     dark       middling stout  4349  None
Dowd           William            4386   sawyer               M  none   5' 7 3/4"   brown        blue         long     fresh      slight          4386  D on left side
Dowse          Albert             4250   hawker               M  one    5' 5"       brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4250  Broken nose
Duncan         William            4491   plate layer          S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    round    dark       stout           4491  Scar on nose, WW on right arm, wart on left temple
Dwelly         Samuel             4242   jockey               S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        hazel        oval     sallow     slight          4242  Cut on forehead, mole on left arm, mole on back of neck
Eccles         Seth               4342   quarryman            M  two    5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4342  Scar under right, cut back right hand
Edwards        William            4243   grocer               M  four   5' 7 3/4"   light brown  dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4243  Bald in front, scar on forehead, scar on neck, cut 3 fingers right hand
Everitt        James              4371   miner                M  none   5' 7 1/2"   light brown  blue         long     fresh      stout           4371  Cast left eye, blue mark bridge of nose, cut right leg
Foley          Jeremiah           4284   stevedore            S  none   5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4284  Right collar bone been broken
Foster         Joseph             4456   stone mason          S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown        grey         round    fresh      middling stout  4456  Port wine mark all over right side of face, anchor right hand, flower and heart left hand  
Franks         Thomas             4315   farmer               M  none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4315  Partially bald, scar under right arm, scar left thumb, scar right leg
Fryer          James              4487   farm labourer        S  none   5' 2 1/2"   grizzled     light brown  oval     fresh      middling stout  4487  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Gallagher      Mark               4433   waggoner             M  one    5' 4"       light brown  grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4433  Broken left leg, scar under left eye
Gardener       John               4288   coal miner           S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4288  Small scar left eyebrow
Gardener       William            4267   smith                S  none   5' 6"       brown        dark grey    long     fresh      middling stout  4267  None
Gillian        Joseph             4477   tailor               S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   dark hazel   oval     dark       middling stout  4477  None
Gilligan       Patrick            4351   hawker               S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    round    fresh      middling stout  4351  Four dots and cross near left thumb, PS left arm, boil mark right arm, cut right cheek  
Gillman        Henry              4440   dentist              S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   oval     pale       middling stout  4440  None
Glassell       Joseph B.          4345   cabinet maker        W  three  5' 4"       dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4345  Widower; Scrofula on neck, cut left thumb
Goff           Thomas James       4484   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown        blue         round    sallow     middling stout  4484  Cut over right eye
Gough          James              4483   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown  grey         round    fresh      stout           4483  None
Gray           Joseph             4283   dealer               M  four   5' 7"       dark brown   grey         oval     dark       middling stout  4283  Cast in left eye
Grinney        Phillip            4344   coach builder        M  one    5' 3 1/2"   grizzled     light grey   full     fresh      stout           4344  Bald, pockmarked, burn right hand
Gunnell        Thomas             4427   labourer             S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown        hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4427  Cut over right eye, cut on forehead, both arms covered with crucifixes etc. etc.
Guppy          William F.         4252   labourer             M  none   5' 5 1/4"   red brown    grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4252  Freckled, cut left forefinger, lost 2nd toe right foot
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hadley         Thomas             4467   metal turner         S  none   5' 3 1/4"   light brown  blue         round    fresh      middling stout  4467  Scar over left eye
Hales          William            4407   stone mason          M  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   blue         thin     fresh      middling stout  4407  Scar on upper lip, cupped on breast and loins
Hall           Charles            4350   farm labourer        M  three  5' 10"      dark brown   hazel        oval     dark       middling stout  4350  Broken right thumb nail, cut near left wrist, cut on forehead, cut left cheek, cut on upper lip  
Hallum         Charles            4447   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       light brown  dark hazel   round    fair       middling stout  4447  Small scar on forehead, five dots on right thumb
Hand           Aaron              4318   painter              S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown  light grey   oval     fresh      middling stout  4318  Cut right cheek
Hardwick       John               4403   labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   black        hazel        thin     sallow     middling stout  4403  R on right wrist
Harrison       George             4451   labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   brown        grey         round    fresh      stout           4451  Bile mark right cheek, cut right forefinger
Harrison       William            4245   mason                M  three  5' 9"       brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4245  Cut right forefinger, cut calf of left leg, contracted toes left foot, cut over right eye
Hayward        George             4462   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       red          dark hazel   round    fresh      middling stout  4462  Scar between eyebrows, freckled, blue dot left hand
Head           James              4460   shoemaker            S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         round    sallow     stout           4460  Scrofula on neck, JHAH right arm, bracelet left arm
Heaton         Hamlet             4464   labourer             M  one    5' 7 1/4"   grizzled     dark grey    round    dark       stout           4464  Lost top of left forefinger and top of right little finger, coal cut left temple
Hesketh        John               4260   smith                S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         long     fair       slight          4260  Small cut over left eyebrow, lost two upper front teeth
Hey            John               4397   sawyer               M  none   5' 6"       light brown  grey         round    sallow     stout           4397  Pockmarked, scar on right side of neck, lost great toe right foot
Hiden          Thomas             4394   cooper               S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  blue         oval     fresh      middling stout  4394  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hipwell        William Dalby      4476   silk hat maker       S  none   5' 3"       light brown  dark hazel   round    dark       middling stout  4476  Cut over right eyebrow, mole left side of face
Hobson         Joseph             4257   brewer               M  none   5' 9 1/4"   light brown  grey         round    florid     stout           4257  Cut corner left eye, cut under chin
Holden         James              4500   brickmaker           S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        light brown  round    fresh      stout           4500  Heart, JH right arm, scar over right eyebrow
Holden         John               4426   butcher & shepherd   S  none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4426  E.M. right arm, scar on forehead, JH, five dots, (FEAR over J) left leg, JA five dots, MAY 1852 right leg
Holdsworth     William            4354   labourer             S  none   5' 8"       greyish      hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4354  Cut on forehead, scar under left eye, scar under chin
Hopwood        William            4466   labourer             S  none   5' 0 3/4"   dark brown   dark         long     dark       stout           4466  Scar back right hand, three cuts on forehead, two cuts upper lip
Howard         William            4301   sailor               S  none   5' 1 1/2"   light brown  grey         round    sallow     middling stout  4301  Scar right arm
Hudson         John               4492   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       black        brown        long     fresh      middling stout  4492  Cut over right eye, scar right cheek, scar left side of chin, wreath, E. Hudson, I, heart and I left arm etc.
Hulme          Levi               4362   labourer             M  none   5' 7 1/2"   red          hazel        long     fair       middling stout  4362  Small scar right arm
Hutchinson     Charles            4443   butcher              S  none   5' 10 1/4"  dark brown   dark hazel   oval     fresh      middling stout  4443  Abscess under left ear and lower jaw
Hutchinson     John               4308   tailor               S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   hazel        oval     dark       middling stout  4308  Blue cross left arm
Jackson        George             4254   machinist            M  one    5' 5"       light brown  light grey   oval     sallow     slight          4254  Freckled
Jackson        Samuel             4365   frame work knitter   S  none   5' 3"       light brown  brown        round    fresh      middling stout  4365  Cut on upper lip, 1831, H.W.S.E., bird, anchor, I5, star, left arm, JS right arm
Jacobs         Emanuel            4423   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown        hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4423  Scar on forehead, cut knuckle right forefinger, scar back left hand, cut over left eye
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

James          Henry              4276   labourer             M  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         full     fresh      middling stout  4276  Crucifix right arm, ink spot near right thumb
Jarratt        Alfred             4291   clerk                S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         long     fair       slight          4291  None
Jessop         Benjamin           4361   brick moulder        M  four   5' 2 1/2"   brown        hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4361  Cut over right eye
Jessop         William            4360   blacksmith           S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark         brown        long     dark       stout           4360  Scar left shoulder
Johnson        John               4377   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       dark         hazel        oval     dark       stout           4377  Mole left arm, mole left side of mouth, ring second finger left hand
Jones          Charles            4480   moulder              S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown  grey         long     sallow     stout           4480  Cut on forehead
Jones          John               4438   spinner              M  two    5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    full     fresh      middling stout  4438  Two cuts on crown of head
Jones          John               4454   dentist              M  four   5' 1 1/2"   grizzled     grey         long     dark       middling stout  4454  None
Jones          Richard            4430   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown  light hazel  long     fair       slight          4430  Blink left eye, broken right thigh, lame, cut on upper lip
Jones          Thomas             4372   tinsmith             S  none   5' 2 3/4"   dark brown   dark         oval     dark       stout           4372  Cut right eyebrow, scar right arm, scar right leg
Jones          William            4444   waterman             S  none   5' 2"       brown        grey         oval     florid     middling stout  4444  Lump corner right eye
Kelly          James              4473   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  blue         round    fresh      stout           4473  JK right arm two bald spots on left side of head
Kennedy        James              4341   striker              S  none   5' 4 1/4"   red          grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4341  None
King           Charles            4253   smith                M  four   5' 8"       brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4253  Burn back of right hand, ruptured
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Layland        James              4307   collier              S  none   5' 2"       dark brown   dark grey    full     dark       stout           4307  Scar right leg, cut third finger right hand
Leary          John               4281   tile maker           S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   grey         round    dark       middling stout  4281  Cut over left eyebrow, lost upper front teeth
Lee            Henry              4328   comb maker           S  none   5' 10 1/4"  brown        light grey   oval     fresh      middling stout  4328  Scar on forehead
Letter         John               4498   wine cooper          S  none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown  blue         round    sallow     stout           4498  Scar on forehead, broken top joint left forefinger
Lewis          George             4256   railway guard        M  one    5' 2 1/2"   grey         dark grey    round    sallow     middling stout  4256  Two flags right arm, two scars corner of right eye, lost all upper front teeth   
Lievers        Isaac              4387   cooper               S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown  brown        oval     fair       stout           4387  Cut under left eye, cut left forefinger, cut right forefinger
Lindsay        Richard Hamilton   4294   iron shipwright      S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   grey         round    fresh      middling stout  4294  Cast in left eye, cut third finger right hand, scrofula right side of neck
Ling           Thomas             4269   farm labourer        M  five   5' 2"       dark brown   light hazel  round    dark       stout           4269  Mermaid (1845) 27, right arm, cross and ring right hand, dog and hare, two birds, T.C. left arm
Lomas          John B.            4406   soldier              M  four   5' 7 1/2"   grizzled     light hazel  full     florid     stout           4406  Wound mark right side of stomach
Lovatt         John               4298   collier              S  none   5' 1"       brown        dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4298  Coal cut left wrist, coal cut corner left eye
Love           John               4399   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       black        dark brown   oval     fresh      stout           4399  Lost top joint of three toes left foot
Loxley         Robert             4274   stenciller           S  none   5' 10 1/4"  dark brown   dark hazel   oval     dark       slight          4274  R.L. S.L. two hearts left arm, cut on forehead and upper lip, R. on right arm
Lyons          James              4247   labourer             W  none   5' 9 3/4"   light brown  hazel        oval     sallow     middling stout  4247  Widower; Ship in full sail right arm, various letters left arm, cut over left eye, cut 3rd finger right hand
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Maley          Anthony            4258   labourer             S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   grey         round    dark       middling stout  4258  Mark on right cheek
Mann           John               4385   farm labourer        M  five   5' 6 1/2"   dark         hazel        long     fresh      stout           4385  Scar right thumb
Marshall       John               4452   labourer             S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4452  Cast right eye, cut second knuckle right hand
Martinson      Robert             4322   cashier in bank      M  four   5' 8 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4322  Cut left forefinger
Mason          James              4495   chimney sweep        S  none   5' 0"       dark brown   dark brown   long     fresh      middling stout  4495  "J. Mason" right arm, scar on upper lip, scar left forefinger
Maudlin        Joseph             4481   brass founder        M  one    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4481  MAEA JM on left arm
McBride        Peter              4339   brick maker          M  three  5' 1 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        oval     dark       middling stout  4339  Cut left little finger
McCabe         Bernard            4457   carpenter            S  none   5' 7"       brown        grey         long     pale       middling stout  4457  Cut on back of right hand
McCarthy       Henry              4421   smith's labourer     S  none   5' 3 1/4"   light brown  dark grey    oval     sallow     middling stout  4421  Cast right eye, cut right eye, cut left cheek, cut back left hand
McCarthy       James              4292   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       brown        dark grey    long     sallow     middling stout  4292  Cut on right forefinger
McEnnally      Patrick            4374   tinman               S  none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown  blue         round    fresh      stout           4374  None
McFarlane      Patrick            4410   striker              M  two    5' 8"       dark brown   dark hazel   long     fresh      stout           4410  None
McInnes        William            4249   painter              S  none   5' 5"       brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4249  Small scar over right eye
McKay          Thomas             4482   joiner               M  none   5' 9 1/2"   sandy        blue         oval     fresh      middling stout  4482  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

McKellar       Peter              4398   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long     sallow     middling stout  4398  None
McKenzey       James              4378   blacksmith           M  one    5' 6 1/4"   dark         blue         oval     dark       middling stout  4378  JMK left arm, scar left side
McLean         William            4317   farm labourer        S  none   5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    oval     dark       middling stout  4317  Pockmarked, D on left side, ring second finger left hand
McNeil         George             4496   fisherman            W  three  5' 8"       dark brown   blue         round    fresh      stout           4496  Widower; Scar bridge of nose, scar right side of forehead, "Campbell Town" on right arm
McSorley       John               4282   labourer             S  none   5' 7"       grey         grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4282  Broken nail third finger right hand
Melburn        Arthur             4261   labourer             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown        hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4261  Anchor, A.M. and star right arm, mermaid left arm, S. diamond left thumb
Melrose        William            4251   postman              S  none   5' 8 3/4"   light brown  light grey   long     fair       middling stout  4251  Boil mark back of neck
Miller         Andrew             4313   miner                S  none   5' 7 3/4"   brown        light hazel  oval     pale       middling stout  4313  Crucifix, A.M. 735, St. Helena Regt. left arm, various other marks on both arms
Miller         Peter              4270   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown  grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4270  Cupped on shoulder, boil marks on neck, injured top joints first and second fingers left hand
Mitchell       Joseph             4289   waterman             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        dark grey    round    sallow     middling stout  4289  Scrofula on neck and left arm, cut left elbow, cut left thumb
Moore          Hugh               4295   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   grey         long     dark       middling stout  4295  Bald, lost little finger right hand, the other fingers of right hand have been broken
Moore          James              4413   butcher              S  none   5' 6"       light brown  light hazel  oval     sallow     middling stout  4413  Freckled, J.M. on left arm
Murphy         Joseph             4271   tailor               S  none   5' 8"       brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4271  M.B. and flowers left arm, ring third finger left hand
Muschamp       Joseph             4352   labourer             S  none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        full     dark       middling stout  4352  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Muscott        William            4240   shoemaker            M  none   5' 7 3/4"   brown        hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4240  Cupping marks back of neck
Muscroft       William            4402   collier              S  none   5' 5"       light brown  grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4402  Lost top of second finger right hand
Mynott         Charles            4355   sailor               S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         round    fresh      slight          4355  Man and woman right arm, scar on lip
Nalin          James              4331   shoemaker            S  none   5' 8"       dark brown   dark grey    oval     dark       slight          4331  Contracted little finger right hand, freckled, cut second finger left hand
Naylor         Abraham            4417   miner                M  none   5' 2"       dark brown   dark hazel   full     fresh      stout           4417  Powder marks left arm
Neilson        John               4280   miner                M  seven  5' 4 1/2"   greyish      dark grey    round    fresh      middling stout  4280  Lump near left ear, small scar third knuckle left hand
Nicholson      William            4326   whitesmith           S  none   5' 8"       light brown  dark grey    long     fresh      middling stout  4326  Blind left eye, JM right arm, scar on nose, anchor left thumb, cut on left forefinger
O'Neil         James              4478   groom                S  none   5' 8"       light brown  light blue   oval     fresh      middling stout  4478  Cut on chin
O'Neil         John               4335   stoker               M  two    5' 1 3/4"   dark brown   blue         oval     fresh      middling stout  4335  Burns on right side, cut on forehead, cut on upper lip, "BO'NL", anchor and star right arm
O'Neil         Michael            4329   farm labourer        S  none   5' 7"       dark brown   grey         round    fresh      stout           4329  Burn on right arm
O'Neil         Terence            4391   boiler maker         S  none   5' 0 1/2"   light brown  blue         full     fair       stout           4391  TNMD left arm, cut on forehead, scar calf of left leg
Page           Joseph             4458   carpenter            W  two    5' 4"       dark brown   hazel        oval     swarthy    middling stout  4458  Widower; Scar left arm, cut left hand
Pager          James              4409   baker & grocer       M  two    5' 7"       dark brown   grey         oval     sallow     stout           4409  Two front teeth out
Palmer         Philip             4364   gardener             M  two    5' 6 1/2"   grey         light brown  long     fresh      middling stout  4364  Bald, scar on forehead
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Parker         John               4412   collier              S  none   5' 6 1/4"   black        dark hazel   full     florid     stout           4412  Cut on bridge of nose, J. Parker, DEC, right arm
Parker         Thomas             4356   shoemaker            S  none   5' 2 3/4"   sandy        brown        round    fresh      middling stout  4356  Cut on left forefinger
Parsons        John               4390   barman               M  none   5' 7"       light brown  brown        long     sallow     middling stout  4390  "MA Clare" right arm, scar over left eye
Peachy         Charles            4428   tinman               W  three  5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4428  Widower; Broken nail left little finger, cut over each eye, scar on forehead
Phelan         John               4448   woolcomber           M  three  5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        long     dark       stout           4448  Small lump over left eye, one upper front tooth out
Platts         Joseph             4325   farmer               M  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    oval     sallow     middling stout  4325  Cut right arm, scar over right eye
Polack         David              4263   dealer               M  eight  5' 4 1/2"   brown        dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4263  Cut at forefinger, cut right leg
Porter         William            4285   smith                M  one    5' 4 1/2"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4285  Scar on forehead, lost top joints of third and little fingers left hand, scar right leg
Purvis         John               4272   blacksmith           S  none   5' 11 1/4"  brown        hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4272  None
Quinn          James              4486   clerk                M  three  5' 2 1/2"   dark brown   light hazel  long     fresh      middling stout  4486  Scar back right hand; IHS, cross right arm
Randle         Joseph             4418   farm labourer        S  none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown   grey         oval     sallow     stout           4418  Scars left wrist
Regan          Thomas             4439   labourer             S  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4439  Burn right wrist, lost three upper front teeth
Renton         William            4327   quarryman            S  none   5' 5"       light brown  dark grey    long     fresh      middling stout  4327  Scar on upper lip, scar on nose
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Rigbye         George             4375   brick layer          S  none   5' 6"       light brown  blue         oval     fresh      stout           4375  Crooked nose
Rigbye         John               4332   stonemason           S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light brown  hazel        long     dark       middling stout  4332  Burn right forefinger, cut under right eye, cut on upper lip
Rigbye         John               4485   collier              S  none   5' 2"       dark brown   dark hazel   long     sallow     stout           4485  Cut over right eye
Roland         Luke               4303   soldier              S  none   5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4303  Harp, Erin, man, woman and Chinese god right arm; woman etc. left arm
Roper          Richard            4415   boatman              S  none   5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   grey         thin     florid     slight          4415  Scar right leg
Rothwell       Richard            4461   calico printer       M  three  5' 4"       light brown  dark hazel   oval     fresh      stout           4461  Cut on lower lip, scar left arm
Rovan          John               4348   sawyer               M  two    5' 6"       brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4348  JR MR, right arm
Rowson         Thomas             4379   brick layer          W  two    5' 7 1/2"   grey         blue         long     fresh      slight          4379  Widower; Cut left arm, cut right knee
Sampson        John               4305   surgeon              M  none   5' 5"       light brown  hazel        oval     fair       middling stout  4305  Bald, cut on right forefinger
Samuel         Alexander          4346   confectioner         S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4346  Pockmarked, scrofula marks under each ear
Savage         Joseph             4472   tailor               S  none   5' 9"       dark brown   hazel        long     fair       middling stout  4472  None
Seymour        Joseph             4370   groom                S  none   5' 0 1/2"   brown        grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4370  Mark over right eyebrow
Shannon        Richard            4431   net maker            S  none   5' 1 1/4"   brown        dark grey    oval     fresh      slight          4431  Cut second knuckle left hand, two cuts left forefinger
Shufflebotham  Henry              4499   potter               M  two    5' 9 1/2"   dark         dark brown   long     dark       middling stout  4499  Scar over left eyebrow, second finger right hand smashed
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Simcox         George             4493   miner                S  none   5' 5"       light brown  dark blue    round    dark       stout           4493  Scar left side of nose
Skidmore       George             4469   plumber's labourer   S  none   5' 1"       brown        dark         long     sallow     stout           4469  Pockmarked; cut below right wrist
Smith          George             4312   groom                S  none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown   grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4312  Small mark right cheek, cut near left thumb
Smith          Henry              4419   groom                S  none   5' 4"       dark         dark grey    long     fair       slight          4419  Cut left eye, scar left side of chin, D left side
Smith          James              4367   brickmaker           S  none   5' 2 1/2"   brown        dark hazel   long     fresh      slight          4367  Scar right wrist, anchor left arm
Smith          John               4314   tailor               S  none   5' 3"       grizzled     dark grey    long     sallow     slight          4314  "E. Florence" JL. Heart, "Eliza Florence" 20 Aug 1843 and wreath right arm, burn right arm, marks on left arm   
Smith          John               4338   labourer             S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         long     fair       middling stout  4338  Rose, shamrock, thistle, JH right hand, lost top joint third finger left hand
Smith          John               4459   dealer               S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown        dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4459  Cut over left eye, cut left thumb
Smith          Patrick            4376   labourer             S  none   5' 1"       dark brown   hazel        oval     fresh      stout           4376  Pockmarked, scar on bridge of nose
Smithers       John               4299   waterman             S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown        grey         long     sallow     middling stout  4299  "J. Smithers", and blue mark left arm
Spencer        Richard            4471   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         round    fresh      middling stout  4471  Blue mark under right eye, speck on ball of left eye
Stafford       William            4262   cowkeeper            M  none   5' 5"       light brown  grey         long     florid     middling stout  4262  Cut on right leg
Stevens        James              4300   labourer             M  four   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        oval     fresh      middling stout  4300  Pockmarked, scar right cheek, crooked second finger right hand
Stevens        John               4388   labourer             M  one    5' 5 1/4"   light        blue         oval     fresh      stout           4388  Woman left arm, two moles on throat
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Stewart        William            4316   miner                M  three  5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval     dark       middling stout  4316  Coal cuts on back, scar left thumb, cut left forefinger, coal cut behind left ear
Stubley        William            4445   labourer             S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4445  Mole on back of neck
Sullivan       John               4246   labourer             M  three  5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4246  Broken nose, J.S. on right arm, cut on upper lip
Summers        Thomas             4266   bricklayer           S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4266  Cut under each ear, crossed flags, heart, T.G. two anchors left arm
Symonds        John               4323   groom                M  one    5' 8"       dark brown   dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4323  Cut on knuckle left forefinger
Tarpy          David              4366   soldier              S  none   5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   blue         round    fair       stout           4366  Cut right arm, scars from wounds on body
Taylor         James              4290   labourer             S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   hazel        round    dark       middling stout  4290  None
Taylor         John               4383   waiter               S  none   5' 4"       brown        hazel        oval     sallow     middling stout  4383  Freckled, cut left forefinger
Taylor         John               4455   smith                S  none   5' 3"       red          grey         round    fresh      middling stout  4455  Anchor left hand
Terry          James              4347   gentleman's servant  S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    oval     dark       slight          4347  None
Thomas         Jesse              4382   hawker               S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark         light blue   long     fresh      stout           4382  Burn left cheek, large scar on upper part of breast
Thompson       William            4414   sailor               S  none   5' 2 1/4"   black        dark hazel   long     dark       middling stout  4414  A mulatto
Tighe          George             4401   ship rigger          S  none   5' 2"       dark brown   dark hazel   long     sallow     stout           4401  GT. BT., bird in cage, cross on pedestal, cross in heart left arm, two anchors, cross and flag right arm
Tillott        Stephen            4449   labourer             S  none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval     fresh      middling stout  4449  Two scars on forehead
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Toole          William            4404   labourer             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown  blue         round    sallow     middling stout  4404  Blue mark left wrist
Turner         William            4424   waterman             S  none   5' 1 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        round    fresh      middling stout  4424  Pockmarked, cut right thumb
Turton         William            4337   smith                S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4337  2 anchors, ship, crown, V.R. 2 flags, cross bracelet etc. left arm, scar back left hand, cut 2nd finger and marks right hand  
Unsworth       James              4475   weaver               S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark         oval     dark       middling stout  4475  Cross on right arm
Vanes          Benjamin           4368   nailer               S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   light brown  long     fresh      middling stout  4368  Scars on back of neck
Walker         James              4279   labourer             S  none   5' 3"       brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4279  None
Walker         John               4479   tailor               S  none   5' 8"       dark brown   dark hazel   round    dark       stout           4479  Pockmarked, cut over right eye, anchor and harp on left arm
Walker         Michael            4429   lace maker           S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown  grey         oval     fair       slight          4429  Scar over left eye, scar back of right hand
Ward           John               4434   gardener             S  none   5' 2"       brown        grey         round    fresh      stout           4434  Pockmarked
Warner         John               4436   farmer & miner       M  four   5' 3"       dark brown   grey         long     fresh      middling stout  4436  "Ann" and anchor left arm, lost four upper front teeth
Wells          Samuel             4264   engineer             M  none   5' 9 3/4"   black        dark hazel   oval     dark       middling stout  4264  None
West           Robert             4296   horse dealer         M  one    5' 9 1/2"   brown        llight grey  oval     fresh      middling stout  4296  Injured top joint second finger right hand, cut left thumb and forefinger
Western        James Peter        4357   labourer             M  one    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   dark         round    fresh      stout           4357  Burn left arm, mole left arm
Wharam         James              4311   dyer                 M  four   5' 6"       brown        grey         round    sallow     middling stout  4311  None
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Surname       Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation      M/S Child     Height       Hair        Eyes      Face     Complexion     Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

White          Charles            4241   horse dealer         S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown        grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4241  Pockmarked, K.B.M., R.T.H., heart and darts left arm, ring little finger left hand
White          John               4474   waterman             S  none   5' 4 1/2"   black        dark         oval     dark       middling stout  4474  Cut on nose
Whitehead      William            4396   machine fitter       S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full     fresh      stout           4396  Dislocated first joint left forefinger
Wilkin         Edward             4463   farm labourer        S  none   5' 1 3/4"   brown        grey         round    fresh      stout           4463  Two scars on forehead, cut third knuckle right hand, 8 and heart back of left hand
Wilkinson      Joseph             4468   labourer             S  none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   brown        oval     dark       stout           4468  Pockmarked; 2 flags and crown on pedestal on right arm
Williams       John               4265   smith                S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   light blue   oval     sallow     middling stout  4265  Left arm broken and useless, both arms covered with blue marks, broken thumb nail
Williams       John               4302   carpenter            S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         oval     sallow     middling stout  4302  Cut second knuckle of each hand
Willows        John               4268   farm labourer        M  three  5' 6"       dark brown   grey         oval     dark       middling stout  4268  Cut right elbow
Wolfendon      William            4450   greengrocer          S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  light grey   oval     fair       middling stout  4450  Cut on forehead, scar back of right hand; two scalds on breast
Woods          Thomas             4320   labourer             S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval     fresh      middling stout  4320  Cut over each eye
Woolway        William            4324   labourer             S  none   5' 9 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round    fresh      middling stout  4324  Pockmarked, sailor with flag and anchor right arm, heart and man on left arm, etc
Wright         James              4465   bootcloser           S  none   5' 2 1/2"   brown        grey         long     sallow     middling stout  4465  Pockmarked; scrofula under left ear, star right thumb, anchor left thumb, blue spot back left hand  
Wright         Robert             4255   farm labourer        W  six    5' 3 1/2"   grey         dark grey    oval     fresh      middling stout  4255  Widower; Scar left side of neck
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